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Friday, March 14, 2025

Birthright Citizenship is the wrong tact to take, the issue is Natural Born Citizen.

What is a Natural Born Citizen? A Natural Born Citizen is compromised of at least one parent either being a U.S. Citizen, or, one or both parents came to the U.S. by invitation or permission, and were vetted upon arrival. But on top of that, the additional issue is, no pregnancy dumping for the purpose of birthing a Child on U.S. soil, when neither Parent has any Foundational history in the U.S., nor, is it their intention to stay in the United States long term.

Technically, when Joe Biden was President, his permission for Undocumented to reside in the U.S., until their hearing was held, did not properly vette or monitor the applicants time in the U.S. and their children might be U.S. Citizens, but NOT Natural Born Citizen, that has to be earned over time, which is the distinction with a difference, replacing instant birthright citizenship, with having to earn becoming a Natural Born Citizenship, over time.

There are pregnancy junkets in which non-residents fly into the U.S. to have their children on U.S.. soil, which would be an Unnaturally Born Citizen, although such a term does not actually exist.

The bottom line is this, a Naturally Born Citizen has to have at least one Parent that either resides, and will reside, before and after the birth of their child, in the U.S. with the child. If in time neither Parent remains in the U.S. or, if they break laws, this would convert the child from Natural Born Citizen, to U.S. Citizen, and would not be eligible to run for President or Vice President, and, eligibility for any U.S. Earned entitlement program would only apply after they have started paying into the system for a certain amount of time.

My above interpretation is more complex than what the Trump administration is proposing with their cancellation of Birthright Citizenship, but in my opinion would have a better chance of being accepted by the Judicial System. 

As an example, Barack Obama's parents failed the test for having Mr. Obama being a Natural Born Citizen, but, if Mr. Obama could show any sustained work history as an Adult, that would convert his U.S. citizen status, to Natural Born Citizen. To be a Natural Born Citizen, the U.S. Citizen needs to prove through work records, the U.S. is where they want to be, if their Parents have fallen short of making the U.S. their home, and not breaking any laws. Obama's father went back to Kenya after a few incidents in the U.S. that violated the terms of being a non U.S. citizen, and Mom ended up leaving the U.S. for several years. Neither Parent showed an affinity or loyalty to the U.S., so it would be up to Barack Obama to prove otherwise with a verifiable work history.

Alessandro Machi is involved in several mindful projects. Alessandro's Banned by LinkedIn Facebook site assists permanently restricted LinkedIn members in their attempts to be reinstated to the LinkedIn Platform. Alessandro's "Partial Boycott of CBS" Video; is premiering in September of 2024. Alessandro's credit card innovation concept can reverse the record consumer credit card debt of 1.1 trillion dollars. Alessandro also has several other exciting projects in the works and welcomes interested parties who believe in mindful business projects.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How all Passengers survived the firey Delta Airplane Toronto Runway crash.

While we can all be pleased there were no deaths when a Delta airplane's landing gear apparently buckled, which created a chain reaction of events that resulted in the Airplane ending up on its back and on fire, one issue not being addressed, needs to be addressed.

When the airplane ended up, upside down, that may be what saved all the passengers lives. The burning fuel, which normally would on the bottom of the plane, was now above the passengers, burning upwards with the passengers below.

Of course this was still a dangerous situation, and if the fire had not been put out quickly enough, life most likely would have been lost. It's just odd that the plane flipping onto its back may have been what saved every passenger's life. 

This is my opinion / speculation, as no one has yet mentioned the irony of the upside down plane maybe saving the passengers lives since the fuel was now burning topside above the passengers, rather than from below.  

Alessandro Machi is involved in several mindful projects. Alessandro's Banned by LinkedIn Facebook site assists permanently restricted LinkedIn members in their attempts to be reinstated to the LinkedIn Platform. Alessandro's "Partial Boycott of CBS" Video; is premiering in September of 2024. Alessandro's credit card innovation concept can reverse the record consumer credit card debt of 1.1 trillion dollars. Alessandro also has several other exciting projects in the works and welcomes interested parties who believe in mindful business projects.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

How Trademarked, Copyrighted, Entertainment News Stories are being Stolen/Scraped by Entert.online

How Trademarked, Copyrighted Entertainment news stories are being stolen/scraped by Entert.online

  • There are Facebook Page Groups that infiltrate Facebook Celebrity Fan groups and lure those Fans with photo link posts to their own site with stories those Fans are specifically interested in. 
  • When a Fan clicks on the provided story link by the infiltrating Facebook Group, the Fan ends up on the Infiltrating Facebook Page group.
  • The Infiltrating Facebook Page Group then shares a photo link to the full article on the Entert.online website.
  • The Entert.online site is a site that presently hosts 26,650 scraped/stolen  stories about fans favorite stars, television series, and movies.
  • Because author's from the originating sites that wrote and published the original articles have been removed, the scraped/stolen article now resides in its new space with no official accreditation.
  • Since entert.online is posing as a site with original content, their site is eligible to post all kinds of ads below each scraped/stolen article. 
  • This allows each scraped/stolen article to start generating ad revenue for entert.online
  • enter.online now has 2,665 pages of scraped stolen articles.
  • Each of the 2,665 pages holds 10 article links for a total of 26,650 scraped/stolen articles.
  • Each scraped stolen article is capable of generating advertising revenue.
  • The damage being done to the original news and entertainment news sites of these articles include the writers overall viewership numbers of their articles decreasing because they never get credit for the views that occur at entert.online.
  • The news site that compensates the writer also gets less official views, which in turn harms their bottom line.
  • The brands being discussed in the stolen articles also suffer a hit since the views to entert.online are basically a black hole that is not officially recognized by internet viewership ratings sites. Example, if a scraped/stolen article generates 10,000 views, this is 10,000 LESS views the original news site and the writer of the article get credited for! 
  • A writer could lose their job because of the number of views that never make it back to the original source that wrote the article.
  • The additional indignity, since the Stolen / Scraped articles are no longer credited to a source, Artificial Intelligence can swoop and consume all the written material.

As of January 4, 2025, the site entert.online has "scraped" a total of 26,650 articles on 2,665 pages from multiple Entertainment News Reporting sites that employ humans to write original,  researched, copy written material.

Unethical Facebook Pages and Groups visit Facebook Celebrity fan groups and post links to their own site with celebrity news stories they are interested in. When one goes to the Facebook Page group to learn more, they are given a link to Entert.online to read the full story about their favorite stars.  Entert.online is the site that has stolen / scraped 26650 articles as of January 4th, 2025.

On November 15, 2024, the site entert.online had "scraped" 21880 articles. As of December 12, 2024, the site enter.online had scraped 24,670 copyrighted articles, an increase of 2,790 articles in, ironically enough approximately 27 to 28 days, for an average of 100 newly scraped articles every day....It's as if a computer program is automatically adding 100 newly scraped articles every day.

On January 4, 2025 Entert.online had stolen/scraped 26650 articles, an increase from Nov. 15, 2024... of 4740 articles spanning 50 days.   


Alessandro Machi is involved in several mindful projects. Alessandro's Banned by LinkedIn Facebook site assists permanently restricted LinkedIn members in their attempts to be reinstated to the LinkedIn Platform. Alessandro's "Partial Boycott of CBS" Video; is premiering in September of 2024. Alessandro's credit card innovation concept can reverse the record consumer credit card debt of 1.1 trillion dollars. Alessandro also has several other exciting projects in the works and welcomes interested parties who believe in mindful business projects.

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