Welcome to Alex LOGIC

Sunday, November 15, 2009

EXCITING NEWS! New classes in the Los Angeles area focusing on video production, editing, sound, and lighting to be offered by Alessandro Machi.

I am pleased to announce a series of 1/2 day classes that will focus on foundational issues related to the world of video media creation.
Hands on demonstratio work stations will complement the instruction and knowledge that I will be sharing.
Think of it as the exploded view of the computer.
What will make these classes unique is that they will be from the prospective of low budget, hi yield results has led to several dozen filmmaking and video production awards, along with a regional emmy win.

In the coming weeks I will be reformatting my slingshotpro.com website to give more details.
Classes will range from one to three hours and will be available any day of the week, including weekends or evenings. Class size will be from 1 to 3 students per class. 2 and 3 class sizes will come with a discount. Please bookmark this site for updates.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

info at alexlogic.com

You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Caught between the Corporate Shenanigans of Chase Bank, APPLE and Canon Cameras, feeling like a fool.

So I decided to write a book about Chase Bank and the way they handled their low interest rate credit card loan deals with over a million of their never late paying customers. The book idea has since expanded to cover additional areas regarding Chase Bank shenanigans.

Then along comes APPLE and Canon Camera. Even as I sit here writing this article Nov. 7th, 2009, both APPLE and Canon are selling products to consumers in Costco's and elsewhere that don't work with each others software.

In the middle of September of 2009 I decided to upgrade my Apple computer to snow leopard. The result was my canon camera would no longer upload photos to the Canon Image Browser program that I was using.

While I contemplated trying to work around this huge obstacle, I determined that because my book would also have a lot of photos in it, and that the photos were going to be interwoven with the text, I could no longer write the book the way that I know would be the most effective way.

Cannon and Costco have communicated with me that they are both concerned about this known problem and are working to fix it. Apple meanwhile enjoys healthy stock gains and an arrogant swagger that is rivaling the one that Microsoft has been known to carry in the past.

I don't think what Apple did was ethical. Releasing a new platform that will NOT WORK with existing software and hardware that worked perfectly on Tiger is not a good business practice, and they should be fined for not putting forth a better effort to work with Canon Camera and getting this matter resolved.

I have been shut down for six weeks, however the problem existed from the moment Snow Leopard was launched, so we are basically talking at least 9 WEEKS, going on ten, in which Apple Computer rendered canon cameras and Canon's own proprietary software called Image Browser, worthless on the Snow Leopard platform.

I know that canon cameras can upload to i-Photo, but isn't this the EXACT SAME THING that Microsoft was known to do to eliminate competition? New releases only worked on their platform with their own software. I hate to see Apple go down the same path microsoft went down in the past and hope they issue a public apology. To be clear, I WANT TO CHOOSE WHICH SOFTWARE I USE WHEN IT COMES TO PROCESSING MY PHOTOS ON MY COMPUTER, I DON'T WANT THE CHOICE TAKEN AWAY BY APPLE.

So to recap, I am trying to write a book about Chase Bank, bought products from both Canon and Apple so I could write my book, but the canon camera and software is incompatible with Apple's Snow Leopard operating system. Looks like the corporations win again.

Apple has basically screwed me out of me keeping my word on a release date for my book, and what hurts even more is this has happened as a direct result of me paying APPLE and their affiliate stores around 600 dollars in upgrades to my computer.

One other thing I should mention. You can't just change the way you import photos when you've already been using one system for over a year. Each software system uses a different method for inputing, and as any person who has had a career editing media knows, content management is critical to being able to find images and that has been stolen from me.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

info at alexlogic.com

You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Monday, November 2, 2009

Welcome to Alex LOGIC, where CREATIVITY meets Ability, and then something happens.

Edit update, April 10, 2019. I am now a Brand Enhancement Advisor. You can learn about me on LinkedIn.

Hi, my name is Alessandro Machi and you are visiting AlexLOGIC blog where I share my insights about television programs and commercials. Although I am an ideas person, I've walked the film and video production walk for the past two decades.

I've edited in total several hundred projects for independent thinkers, filmmakers, small business owners, inventors and their products, and for fortune five hundred companies. I've also been a cinematographer as well, in many instances shooting the very production I would then edit. All of the blog photos on both sides of this article are from some of the projects that I have been involved with.
It is difficult to describe how educational a process it can be to shoot, and then edit the footage that you shot. Being responsible to the decision maker in the editing room for the image and sound that was recorded on location is a type of education that is stimulating to say the least.

I've also been fortunate to have received bookend awards from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, first winning a position in their highly sought after Nationwide Internship Scholarship competition in the commercials category in 1985, and then winning an A.T.A.S. Regional Emmy in 2000.
I have had the unique experience of working with decision making creatives one on one in my own video editing studio that I built from the ground up. I have also learned how to handle both the technical and creative aspect of video editing while also being aware of the importance of respecting the goals and wishes of my clients.

I now offer my services as a commercials and television content consultant on either a yearly basis or per project basis. I will contribute fantastic insight into your creative projects, both completed and in production. I have now written several blog articles about commercials and television programs that I could help improve with my ideas.

For every insight that I have shared on this blog, I have another idea that I have written about but didn't reveal the solution. I can't give all of my ideas away here, but I definitely will share many ideas so that you know you can count on me for excellent analysis.

I understand that anyone who would hire me already has access to many intelligent minds. My perspectives are usually unique and in most instances should "add" to your existing concept in a constructive manner. I can be respectful of successful minds that are already involved in your project while still offering an innovative idea that WILL benefit you and your project.

I have no desire to compete with the production company or the advertising agency that you are already using. I thrive on contributing to existing good ideas. Knowledgeable third party consultants are ideal for this, especially when they are respectful of both the production company involvement and the agency that creates the spot. My purpose is not to knock down your team, but to strengthen your message.

You can earn a 20% commission for any referrals that result in a consulting fee for Alessandro Machi. Learn more here.

My inspiration to start my consulting business came from my wanting to take care of my my mother, and my father while he was still alive but terminally ill. I curtailed my own video production activities to be there for my parents. I know that the experiences I have generated in the past 20 years serve me well for providing excellent analysis of television productions and television commercials, and it is something I can from home.

Please go here to see actual projects I am looking to connect with. However, if your project is not on the list, that doesn't mean your project is less important, just that you found me before I found you.


Two upcoming projects that both mean a lot to me are books that I am writing, however I have put both projects on the back burner to focus on my media consulting business.

One book is called "The Cat Who Ate Chase Bank".

The second book is called "What My Dad Left Behind" and explores all the wonderful surprises my recently passed dad left behind. Included are some amazing shots from the very yard garden he worked and proudly toiled over for 30 years while also working a day job and being there for mom.
My dad, Carmelo Machi, lived in Italy, in the Midwest of the United States, and finally in California. He lived in all three places for similar amounts of time. Each time my dad moved he had to basically start over, yet he did so happily and with renewed enthusiasm each and every time.

I believe my dad left a lot of great things behind, and I hope to cherish them and add to them as well.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

info at alexlogic.com

You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

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