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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Person of Interest series debut hits a home run in the ratings.

Following the strong lead in from the double dose of the Big Bang Theory, Person of Interest was able to hold onto that audience with a seductive beginning that took us from a successful man in bed with the woman he loved, to a homeless man on a subway about to get a whipping from some clean cut scum bags.

I'm pretty sure that most people watching were rooting for the homeless man, and that's all it took to literally steal millions of channel surfers from the premiere of The office. I don't have the statistics in front of me but I wonder if this was one of the all time largest ratings theft coup in the history of television during the first week of a new season.

Apparently Person of Interest rated much higher than The Office. I was sucked into Person of Interest, as were millions of others, even though I had planned to watch The Office.  Sure seems a shame that Tuesday nights at 8pm is devoid of either a solid situation comedy or drama while Thursday nights has more than one channel worth checking out.

The Office may have been the biggest loser in the first week of the 2011 season. Switching The Office to Tuesday night at 8 pm could gain the millions back in audience share that has been lost, but it would be at the expense of ironically enough, "The Biggest Loser".

And Poppi Montgomery on Unforgettable is the hottest red head I can recall in years, and she's intelligent as well, nice combo indeed.

Check out AlexLOGIC's best and worst commercials of 2011.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mike Royce signs with 20th Century Fox, the Fight to Save Men of a Certain Age will continue by facebook group.

What must not be lost sight of is just how different Men of a Certain Age is/was from almost any other television sit-com/drama out there. 

Unlike Everybody Loves Raymond (possibly the most popular sit com ever produced), there is no laugh track on Men of a Certain Age.

Unlike Modern Family (another favorite of mine), the pacing on Men of a Certain Age is more realistic, less caffeinated. 

If Men of a Certain Age dies after only two seasons, it means we the baby boomer generation are left with the following...

Reality TV shows, cop shows, forensic shows, detective shows, autopsy shows, lawyer shows, laugh track sit-coms, fast paced sit-coms, action, vampire, futuristic and news shows. 
Or, to put it another way, if Men of a Perfect Age is permanently canceled, we baby boomers are left with shows about guns, law breakers, law enforcement, car chases, drug running, kidnapping, murder, vampires, science fiction, Reality TV focusing on socially retarded behavior and/or "beating out" a bunch of other contestants through any means and all means available, shows about culling the herd while never maximizing the value of the herd.

I hope Mr. Royce realizes the profound role he is playing in the future of television for baby boomers. If Mr. Royce truly walks away from Men of a Certain Age and doesn't even look back once more to see if it can be uncanceled, he could become just another example of someone who gave up his power to put on a suit and become what the non creative suits said he should be.

I hope Mr. Royce realizes that all he had to do was take over the SYNDICATION of Men of a Certain Age and use that income to keep producing NEW MOACA shows. Mr. Royce was so close to creating a new paradigm but now I fear he has given in to the same wolves that spit on the american people with their crap programming that is always in pursuit of higher ratings, NO MATTER WHAT THE RATINGS already are!

It's a bullshit ratings game played by bullshitting bean counters in suits who like to make others sweat no matter how successful and talented they are, and I hope Mr. Royce does not completely fall for this trap when he was so close to developing a successful syndication business model for future producers of his esteem.

Check out AlexLOGIC's best and worst commercials of 2011.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
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by Alessandro Machi at

Monday, September 5, 2011

Should Men of a Certain Age visit conventions such as Gen-Con?

Shows like Sons of Anarchy increase their popularity when their cast members attend conventions such as Comic-con. However a show like Men of a Certain Age can't very well attend comic-con, unless the three leads are there to get an autograph from Captain America.

However a show like Men of a Certain Age could attend Gen-Con, the   largest boardgame convention in the United States.
Scott Bakula's character, Terry Elliot, might do well at the Romance Convention.  

In Las Vegas, a prominent consultant suggests bringing back the "Baby Boomer" to Vegas. Meanwhile, Baby Boomer conventions appear to be in their infancy (har har).

It appears to me that baby boomer generation marketing is being marginalized in both the real world and on television as well. Baby boomer conventions are not in vogue, yet.

The lack of baby boomer conventions results in tremendous shows like Men of a Certain Age not getting the word of the mouth that shows like Sons of Anarchy and Game of Thrones get by having their cast members attend the comic-con convention.

Fight to Save Men of a Certain Age from Cancellation by clicking this link and liking us on facebook.

Check out AlexLOGIC's best and worst commercials of 2011.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Can Men of a Certain Age be Saved by either TVLAND or the Hallmark Channel?

Both TVLAND and The Hallmark Channel offer compelling options that could save Men of a Certain Age from permanent cancellation at TNT.

TVLAND already airs Everybody Loves Raymond episodes close to 200 times a month, wowzer. TVLAND has been able to use Everybody Loves Raymond's success to help launch their own original sit com programming such as Hot in Cleveland, Retired at 35, and Unhappily Married.

TVLAND has a proclivity for re-running their own original programming over and over and over. TVLAND then use this re-broadcasting of the same original programming to help amp up the total viewership of their new shows.  Additionally, TVLAND runs a LOT of promos on, Everybody Loves Raymond.

It also didn't hurt that the first year promo's of Hot in Cleveland were very mediocre, so when year two of H.I.C. improved in quality, so did the promo's. This enabled Hot in Cleveland to be trumpeted as the fastest growing and successful original programming sit com on television.

Ray Romano of Everybody Loves Raymond has also appeared on TVLAND's annual TVLAND awards show. Ray Romano has been a boon to TVLAND.

TVLAND now has an opportunity to both help themselves and Men of a Certain Age. The 22 episodes of MOACA that are already produced by TNT would fit perfectly as a one month rotation for TVLAND. The episodes need to run in order and TVLAND would be able to run the show often enough to make it something fans of Ray Romano would look forward to on a nightly and weekend basis.

Every night I would put MOACA at 8PM (It's a one hour program). I would then put the standard 2 hours of Everybody Loves Raymond right afterwards from 9pm to 11pm. At 11PM I would rebroadcast the same MOACA from 8PM.

On weekends TVLAND could show a 3 hour block of MOACA on both Saturday and Sunday. This would enable fans too busy during the week to see six consecutive MOACA shows over the same weekend. This would help take the pressure off of TVLAND to keep rerunning their own original programming over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, again and again.

If TVLAND could not afford TNT's licensing arrangement, TNT should consider buying the 8PM and 11PM one hour time slots directly from TVLAND and broadcasting MOACA while filling in the commercial time themselves. Ray Romano could do some funny promos where he talks about people watching his new show "Men of a Certain Age" (then whispers, "but I'm the only one from ELR in the new show"), intercut with sound bites from Everybody Loves Raymond, like his brother Robert saying, "It's always about you, Ray".

If TVLAND decides to play hardball, HallMark represents another exciting opportunity for Men of a Certain Age and TNT. Hallmark is presently running Frasier TEN TIMES everyday! In essence, Hallmark is following the "show all the shows in one month motiff" with Frasier that TVLAND is doing with Everybody Loves Raymond.

Just like TVLAND, Hallmark has put Frasier on in a three hour prime time block, plus additional shows in the morning as well.

Putting MOACA directly in front of Frasier and rerunning that same MOACA episode right after Frasier could do wonders for HallMark's primetime programming as it would allow them to cut Frasier down to two hours from three hours.

(edit note - September 5, 2011, 9:30PM) Upon additional research, I have found people posting on both HallMark and TVLAND discussion pages saying they are sick and tired of all the promo's for TVLAND's Hot in Cleveland and for playing Frasier so many times every day on HallMark.)

If I were TVLAND, I would be kind of freaking out that a Ray Romano produced show could end up on a competing channel and possibly become a strong lead in for Frasier, while also giving HALLMARK a way to prevent oversaturating Frasier by reducing the hours they play of Frasier from 3 hours every night to 2.

Why is it important that a show like Men of a Certain Age not be permanently cancelled? Men of a Certain Age is a show about people "figuring it out", rather than a show about intrusive people capturing, condemning, conniving, convincing, confiscating, chasing, or cheating others so they themselves can "win".

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

info at alexlogic.com
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