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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Can you make a living in the world of film and video production and editing?

Nowadays, there are probably more opportunities than ever before in the world of film and video production and editing. However, there is probably more competition for those same jobs than ever before.

So what can you do if you want a career in film and video production, or editing? First, determine that you really like it and are passionate about it. Secondly, LIMIT YOUR INVESTMENTS in actual equipment.

Find a couple of affordable things to own that interest you, and learn how to use them inside and out. For instance, consider buying a decent quality wireless microphone and learn how to successfully integrate that wireless set up into as many types of media as you can find. This may make you wildly popular whenever some type of low budget shoot pops up. Align yourself with a sound rental house so you can instantly supplement your own audio gear with additional sound gear when necessary. Do all of this only if the world of sound intrigues you.

Once you buy a wireless microphone, you may discover an additional need for a portable audio signal adapter such as a beachtek that will change the impedance of your sound signal, so it records optimally onto the audio recording device being used to record the audio. But be careful you don't fall into the trap of buy buy buy.

In terms of cameras, DON'T purchase a video camera just yet. Look into a nice quality, but AFFORDABLE digital still camera. The prices are all over the map, you can spend as little as 150 dollars and get a decent digital still consumer camera with plenty of menu options, or you can spend into the thousands on a more professional set-up that may also record HD video.

I recommend starting small and mastering the consumer style of camera, as long as the camera has many many menu options for you to understand and master. I used to be a big fan of canon cameras but they really screwed over me and tens of thousands of other canon users when we upgraded our macs from panther and tiger to snow leopard, only to discover I could no longer use my canon software program to upload my photos. Its now been around five months in which I can no longer upload my canon photos onto my mac snow leopard platform via the canon software that I really liked.

I can go into a costco and buy the identical canon camera I already own, and it will state that I can use the camera with my Mac. This is now a lie. Costco, Apple, and Canon all know it, and none of them are doing enough to fix this situation in a timely manner.

And this brings me to why you should not buy too much gear. It's constantly being upgraded, changed, obsoleted, and so on. Find other people who have already bought gear and see if you can work with them. Every dollar you don't owe on a credit card is the equivalent of two dollars you won't owe as the debt multiplies at hideous interest rates in the future.

If you master the world of sound, you will be in demand. If you master how to use a digital still camera, you stand a decent chance of gaining a solid foundation of basic photographic principles.

And finally, if you actually use your low cost tools to create finished product, even if the finished product is only a minute or two long, you will be well on your way to being useful, and that is what will get you hired before others.

Now, can you actually make a living in the world of film and video production. Probably not at first, but over time possibly yes. However, be prepared that the farther up you rise, the more down time you may have to endure to make sure you are available for the right opportunities, and you may find yourself second guessing some career decisions along the way.

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