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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Elephant in the Living Room World Premiere, Friday, April 1, 2011, 7pm, Mann Chinese 6 Theatre, 6801 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028

This is an excellent opportunity to support innovative, documentary film making. The Elephant in the Living Room World Premiere is, Friday, April 1, 2011, 7pm, Mann Chinese 6 Theatre, 6801 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028. Ticket information can be found by clicking here.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Kim Kardashian's SKECHER's 2011 Super Bowl commercial, Break up 2 Shape Up, reviewed by Alex LOGIC.

Perhaps without her even realizing it, Kim Kardashian's SKECHER's super bowl commercial "Break up 2 shape up" ends up being anti american jobs, and pro foreign child labor.
Just because Kim Kardashian is in the commercial does not mean that she should control the writing of the commercial, and it is my opinion that she had final say, and the Skecher's "Break up 2 Shape up" commercial is "off" because of it.

Just how many people in the United States either have a personal trainer, or can afford one? I would guess that probably one in 500 people have personal trainers. If each personal trainer requires at least 10 clients to make a living, that would mean between 20,000 and 40,000 personal trainers in U.S. could make a living. (I've subtracted a hundred million potential clients for being either under 17 years of age or over 70 years of age)

Why is Kim Kardashian trying to get us to care that she "broke up" with her trainer?

Are women who have never had a personal trainer, or could not afford a personal trainer, supposed to somehow relate to Kim Kardashian's desire to fire an educated, health conscious expert so that child slave labor can be used to make her skecher shoes outside of the United States?

Of all the people in the world to pick on, Kim Kardashian has chosen the one group that is hanging on while possibly waiting for their own big break in Hollywood. To bitch slap a personal trainer's occupation is no different than purposely tripping a waiter or waitress while they are carrying a tray full of food, that'll show em!

Are we supposed to respect Kim Kardashian's alleged frugality? How ironic that Kim Kardashian's desire to be a skin flint comes on the heels (ha ha), of the infamous Kardashian credit card offer that came with all kinds of gotchas and built in rip offs that made it one of the worst credit cards ever, and a card that the kardashian family quickly distanced themselves from

This Skecher's commercial is a continuation of the whoring by the rich at the expense of honest, hard working main street american so the ultra rich can achieve a big enough profit margin on the product they are selling, by having it manufactured in other parts of the world.

I have a suggestion for Kim Kardashian, why don't you hire an out of work writer to help you write your commercial about putting your personal trainer out of business.

And yes, there were other commercial idea options that could easily have been explored and implemented, but apparently were not.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SI Vault of 25 best sports illustrated swimsuit model pictures has a technical glitch.

When you click on the next button, the photo's shift out of frame. This is Alex LOGIC giving you my best, so you can rest.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Does Youtube have a policy regarding Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Videos? Should YouTube Tsunami videos only be used to make money for the victims?

I have watched Japan tsunami video footage on local news channels because I know that getting the word out motivates viewers to donate and the news channels are more likely to do fact gathering on a scale that the public could not.

However, I just don't think watching Japan tsunami video footage on youtube is the same thing as watching it on public television. I think all youtube videos get blurred together because they are free, and in the process the videos themselves get devalued.

I hope youtube can figure out a way to be both a provider of global video content while not diminishing the significance of the video footage such as that of the Japan Tsunami.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Friday, March 18, 2011

Sometimes, comedy writes itself, like this youtube video about Liquefaction in Japan.

Opening scene to a movie. A handheld camera is documenting a crack in the ground. The voice explains in a scientific manner what liquefaction is. The camera turns 90 degrees to show the continuation of the crack in the ground. The camera person mentions how unsteady the ground feels
and as they struggle to regain their balance we see the line in the ground has taken another 90 degree turn.

The camera person comments that they have never seen such a pervasive example of liquefaction before. As the ground rumbles the camera person loses their balance momentarily and the camera angle turns once again to reveal the crack in the ground completely surrounds him.

Wow, liquefaction all around me, this is un.......... (the ground surrounding our camera person collapses and swallows them up).

Now, we just have to figure out how we get to see the video footage since the camera was presumably swallowed up along with the camera person. Live Web Cam feed perhaps?

I should add that this in no way relates to the actual horrible events going on in Japan at this time. If I understand correctly, certain countries around the world have been able to expand the land they live on by building out into the ocean in slow steps, sort of extending their living space. In this instance, it appears that liquid has seeped back underneath and could pose a serious problem. However, seeing someone stand directly on top of the liquefaction area in a relatively calm manner is paradoxical to a certain extent.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Thursday, March 17, 2011

CSI meets Two and One Half Men, how CBS could continue Two and One Half Men without Charlie Sheen.

Here is one way that Two and One Half Men could continue without Charlie Sheen.

Fade in....

Alan Harper is asleep on the couch....

In the background we hear Charlie playing the Piano (this can be taken from a prior show-perhaps one of his kids jingles), suddenly there is a loud crash. Alan Harper jumps up and sees that a man with an unopened parachute has crashed through the roof and landed on top of the Piano, and Charlie.

Alan Harper pulls the man off of a flattened, and dead Charlie. The lucky parachutist removes his goggles, it is Craig Ferguson. Alan looks down at Charlie and his own life flashes in front of his eyes. Alan realizes he may be homeless now since he has no idea if Charlie left anything to him.

Alan rattles Craig by telling him he'll probably be charged with murder and suggests that maybe Craig should pose as Charlie. Alan reminds all those close to Charlie how their lives will be irrevocably changed if Charlie is suddenly just gone, and encourages them to meet the new and improved Charlie instead.

A CSI crossover episode features the CSI gang trying to determine if it was a meteor that actually crashed through the roof and landed on the piano. Splatter tests confirm that Charlies unidentiiable squashed body liquids were like nothing ever seen before, and that they must have come from a meteor.

As the season progresses, Alan begins to notice that Craig Ferguson is beginning to act more and more like Charlie. One Day, Charlie Sheen suddenly shows up and Alan is committed to a mental institution for observation. (This gives the show a way to introduce Charlie Sheen back into the fold at a later date should Charlie ever get that much needed brain scan).

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Parallels between Charlie Sheen and Anna Nicole Smith seem to be increasing by the day.

I recall an Entertainment Tonight Television Interview with Anna Nicole Smith in which it appeared to me that Ms. Smith was staying in the Bahamas so that she could use an overabundance of prescription drugs.
The Entertainment Tonight television interviews were pretty close in time to Ms. Smith's overdose death and I always wondered what became of those interview tapes, ALL OF THE TAPES, including ALL the video footage that was left on the editing room floor, even the pre-roll and post roll material as well.
It seemed pretty clear to me from watching those highly promoted Anna Nicole Smith interviews during sweeps month by Entertainment Tonight that Ms. Smith was being propped up with vasts amounts of drugs by her "handlers"; who have since been acquitted, although charges may be brought up again.

I think Ann Nicole Smith was afraid to come back to the states because eventually she would have been prosecuted for her prescription drug use, and that is why she was staying in the Bahamas. I have wondered if those Entertainment Tonight camera master tapes were ever viewed by the prosecution and if that might have made a difference in how the prosecution's case was handled.

The reason I care is because Anna Nicole was a mother. Even dysfunctional, drug addicted parents sometimes can bond with their kids and actually be a good influence. Having a mom or dad who is truly cool with their own child even while being a dumb arse to society might actually be an empowering feeling for a child to experience.

The drug addicted parent might find their own child to be the one relationship in their life where they want to do good because their own child could have a positive sentimental sway over their own parents.

For that reason, I feel that somebody should have served jail time for Anna Nicole's death because it was pretty obvious that she was staying in the Bahamas to do prescription drugs, and it took educated professionals to help keep Smith's prescription drug ruse going, and the ultimate result was that a very young child lost her mother much too soon.

Which brings me to Charlie Sheen.
No matter how off the deep end Mr. Sheen may have gone, the fact that he is involved in a number one television show is still a credit to him. Furthermore, because Mr. Sheen has kids, I believe that anyone who wants to work with Mr. Sheen in the future needs to verify what Mr. Sheen's PHYSICAL health is before they work with him.
There seems to be a lot of talk about whether Mr. Sheen is doing drugs or if he is "clean".
This is an oversimplification of the situation. If Mr. Sheen has an underlying physical abnormality (which could be related to PAST drug use), such as critical parts of his brain may have already turned to gray matter, then Mr. Sheen may not even be aware that he is operating at less than 100%.

It's further possible that if Mr. Sheen were shown a scan of his own brain, and it was explained to him what was going on, that Mr. Sheen might be sufficiently motivated to voluntarily change his own behavior.

Just as those who enabled Anna Nicole Smith to "function" by funneling prescription drugs to her when she was in obvious need of help were eventually taken to court, I would suggest that anybody who employs Charlie Sheen without Mr. Sheen being PHYSICALLY examined first could be accelerating Mr. Sheen's ultimate demise, for their own gain.

Because of Charlie Sheen's kids, it is my belief that if future professional contacts succeed in ending Mr. Sheen's life prematurely by not caring about his physical health before employing him, they should be held accountable in a court of law because of the damage they do both to Mr. Sheen, and his kids, who will no longer have their father in their life.

If you happened to be my client, and were considering working with Mr. Sheen, the advice I have shared up above could very well be one dollar short of priceless.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Harry's Law delves into Albinos and Immigration.

In the past David E. Kelley has always struck me as a writer / executive producer who doesn't usually leave gaping holes in his defense arguments within his own television shows. In the Harry's Law episode about political asylum for albinos, Kelley appears to want to ram home the point that since america can no longer take care of its own, than the lid must be put on ALL illegal immigration.

Several worldwide examples of peoples who in the past would be worthy of political asylum in the United States are now cited as examples of peoples who would no longer be eligible for political asylum in the United States. These examples include people persecuted for being gay or for their religious beliefs. The judge apparently uses these examples to slam the door on the albinos.

To this I say...huh??? I don't recall all the examples of persecution victims that were cited in denying the albinos their chance for asylum in the U.S., but NONE OF THE EXAMPLES CITED were technically the same as being an albino.

I waited for Harriet to expose the difference, and she did not, and the albinos were denied their asylum. The storyline is being continued, but that is no excuse for not giving the ultimate argument rather than avoid it.

The argument that Harriet failed to make is that both gay and persecuted religions can choose to mix in with their society for survival sake, whereas an ALBINO IS AN ALBINO 24/7. I'm really disappointed that this argument was not made and it makes me feel like Mr. Kelley is trying to lay a huge guilt trip on american citizens for demanding more control of the amount of illegal immigration that is occurring on a daily basis.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Come on Charlie Sheen, Get a Brain Scan already.

I don't know if Charlie Sheen has ever had a brain scan, but even if he has not, I think it's time he get one. The point of a brain scan for Charlie Sheen is not exactly determinable nor predictable.

But it would give Charlie a point of reference. If the Brain scan is normal, then Sheen is just an ultra narcissist with a hit TV show. If a Charlie Sheen Brain scan reveals portions of his brain diminished, presumably from the coke, drinking and smoking he apparently partakes in, at least then, and only then, can Charlie at least possibly ingest valid data about his own functionality.

If ever there was an actor whose brain cried out for a brain scan, it's Charlie Sheen's brain, and that's a no brainer.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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