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Thursday, March 17, 2011

CSI meets Two and One Half Men, how CBS could continue Two and One Half Men without Charlie Sheen.

Here is one way that Two and One Half Men could continue without Charlie Sheen.

Fade in....

Alan Harper is asleep on the couch....

In the background we hear Charlie playing the Piano (this can be taken from a prior show-perhaps one of his kids jingles), suddenly there is a loud crash. Alan Harper jumps up and sees that a man with an unopened parachute has crashed through the roof and landed on top of the Piano, and Charlie.

Alan Harper pulls the man off of a flattened, and dead Charlie. The lucky parachutist removes his goggles, it is Craig Ferguson. Alan looks down at Charlie and his own life flashes in front of his eyes. Alan realizes he may be homeless now since he has no idea if Charlie left anything to him.

Alan rattles Craig by telling him he'll probably be charged with murder and suggests that maybe Craig should pose as Charlie. Alan reminds all those close to Charlie how their lives will be irrevocably changed if Charlie is suddenly just gone, and encourages them to meet the new and improved Charlie instead.

A CSI crossover episode features the CSI gang trying to determine if it was a meteor that actually crashed through the roof and landed on the piano. Splatter tests confirm that Charlies unidentiiable squashed body liquids were like nothing ever seen before, and that they must have come from a meteor.

As the season progresses, Alan begins to notice that Craig Ferguson is beginning to act more and more like Charlie. One Day, Charlie Sheen suddenly shows up and Alan is committed to a mental institution for observation. (This gives the show a way to introduce Charlie Sheen back into the fold at a later date should Charlie ever get that much needed brain scan).

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