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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Over 49 Crowd fights back against the Harry's Law Cancellation, here's a protest idea worth considering.

Please Like the Save Harry's Law Facebook page. Please also consider Liking Fight to Save Men of a Certain Age from Cancellation Facebook page as well.  

And there is also the Save Men of a Certain Age Facebook page. Like all of them and triple the impact you have as an over the hill demographic.
Now for a proactive solution to bring back power to those older than 49 years of age. Why don't television shows create credit cards with the name of their television show on the card?


Could MEN OF A CERTAIN AGE be saved 
if fans use an M.O.A.C.A. Credit Card?

What better way to show how much buying power "older viewers" have of their favorite television show than to use a credit card with the name of that show on the credit card?

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