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Monday, December 3, 2018

How Racism Accusations are being used by Politicians to keep us Divided.

Racism accusations are being used by Politicians to keep us Divided. I came to that conclusion after listening to an aggrieved man talk about his wife remaining untreated in her Hospital Bed after a Caesarean Section Birth that had severe post birth complications. This very athletic and strong woman died in her Hospital bed 8 to 10 hours after delivering a baby. Despite repeated pleas from the rightfully panic stricken husband, and despite orders to have a CT scan performed, no CT scan was performed and apparently the Courageous Mother bled out with no additional action taken by the Hospital Staff over an 8 to 10 hour period of time. Can you imagine the muted despair experienced by the mother? When the realization set in that no one cared that she was dying, that she would never get to watch her own child grow up, that her child's birth meant her death, and all because a Hospital could not snap out of their own bureaucratic bullshit?

Because the couple was African American, the surviving husband is assuming racism. I believe that claims of racism are creating a perpetual divide among all races that serves our leaders well, but their constituents poorly. Whether or not racism was involved is not the only issue. U.S. Residents are all entitled to the same level of basic hospital care irrespective of race. Isn't it better for everyone to fight against poor Hospital Treatment and incompetent practices rather than obfuscate poor Hospital Treatment with accusations of racism?

My own Mother, with me by her side in the ER, had her Civil Rights, Human Rights, and EMTALA Rights repeatedly violated when the ER Nurse decided to play God and refused to retriage my mother's sudden onset of wheezing, which started while my mother was resting in her ER bed. It's possible that the Nurse thought my mother, of Italian heritage, was a minority and therefore was denied life saving triaging. It's also possible I looked like I was from the Middle East rather than "Caucasian". Here's the thing, I really don't care. 

What I care about is that my Mother was on her ER bed when she started to wheeze and the ER Nurse's actions led to NINE violations of the law that set in motion my Mother's death spiral, and Law enforcement won't investigate. Even after these violations set in motion a 2 and 1/2 day nightmare that led to my mother's death in my arms at home when she should have either been in the hospital, or a more accurate diagnosis provided so I would know what the best course of action would be going forward, Law Enforcement would not investigate.

It has dawned on me that Progressive and Liberal Politicians want cries of racism hailed as often as possible as it both gives them a cause to fight for, and keeps their supporters in check by using fear tactics. Political and Legal accusations of racism prevent real progress form occurring. 

Racism can disappear if everyone's Civil Rights, Human Rights, and EMTALA Rights are respected and honored. When a minority yells racism over mistreatment, they basically are saying that only minorities are treated badly. Minority Chants of Racism cordons off whomever the majority is from being fully supportive because guess what, the majority can be treated just as badly by the same entities that treat minorities badly.

If my Mother and I are considered Caucasians and her Civil Rights, Human Rights, and EMTALA rights are violated, do I remain quiet because I am not a minority? If my Mother and I were considered "Middle Easterner's", what is the benefit of crying Racism when the bigger issue is that our Human Rights, Civil Rights and EMTALA rights were violated?

Civil Rights, Human Rights and EMTALA Rights will always trump the Race Card. I told what happened to my mother in the ER to dozens of people associated with law enforcement, the legal field, and free legal aid and also groups that are supposed to help fight for victims. Not once was it ever suggested that that my Mother's or my own Civil Rights, Human Rights and EMTALA Rights had been violated. About six months after my Mother's ER related Death had occurred did I realize that several of our rights had been violated.

Why the six month delay? Because I am probably not a minority. I have been brainwashed into believing that only minorities have their Human and Civil Rights violated.

Six months after my Mother's unnecessary death I was watching the original Star Trek series when Spock warned an Enterprise "guest" that he was close to being charged with "Incitement to Disaffection". As soon as I heard that phrase and looked it up online, I discovered the more well known phrase "incitement to Imminent lawlessness", at which point I realized that that is EXACTLY what the ER Nurse did to my Mother and I. The ER Nurse was able to incite others to commit EMTALA violations by calling a false Code Gray based on a false HIPAA Violation accusation (I pulled out my video camera to document that the ER was not going to ReTriage my mother for her sudden onset  of Wheezing, which she normally did not have) that started while she lay on her ER bed).

Because I have been led to believe by the Media and Liberal Politics that Civil Rights Violations only happen to minorities, I never considered that my Mother and I had had our Civil Rights, Human Rights, and EMTALA rights violated until six months had passed from the incident that directly led to the end of my Mother's life.

Racism accusations creates victimhood for minorities. People of all races who fight for Civil Rights for all, Human Rights for all, and EMTALA rights for all are what matter most. Cries of Racism just divide us from coalescing as Human Beings who all have the same rights. The next time someone accuses someone of racism, the accuser is basically saying others are different from themselves solely based on the color of one's skin, and that they are the one's being repressed.

Shouldn't we just be fighting for everyone at all times?

Lawyers have screwed things up royally, here's how. Were I to sue that my Mother's and my own Civil Rights, Human Rights, and EMTALA rights were violated in the ER, and there were minorities in the jury, isn't likely that there would be scorn and derision among some of the jury members? "Oh, so you have been a victim, you white, entitled spoiled brat." And if a minority sues and there are caucasian jurors who know someone who who is caucasian who has had their Human, Civil or EMTALA rights violated, how are they going to feel if the race issue keeps being brought up, that only minorities are being mistreated? 

Lawyers have screwed society by placing racism above existing laws that are designed to protect all people. Rather than fight violations of the law that affect all races, it appears that many lawyers have themselves played the race card and prefer to argue racism over fighting for the enforcement of laws that are supposed to protect all Residents.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
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Friday, November 16, 2018

A Tree Burns in California, now what?

Forget the debate between Climate Change and Tree Forest Mismanagement when discussing the future of California Fire Safety issues, and lets focus on what never gets reported.

California Weather forecasters need to start reporting about how moist or dry our trees are. Sometimes we focus only on what we know and forget what we are not being told about. When I watch a local TV weather forecast the segment may go on for one to two minutes, but have I learned what matters most?

I am told if there is snow in the local mountains during the winter season, overnight temperatures, wind patterners and speeds, humidity, 7 day forecast, the daily highs and lows, but one thing that has yet to be mentioned is how dry or moist are out trees.

The average tree can have as much as 50% to 75% moisture during the rainy season. By the time Summer has arrived and gone the moisture in a California tree can drop well below 50%. 

A moist tree won't burn as quickly as a dry tree, won't spread a fire as quickly via flying embers, and won't ignore as easily. Keeping tabs on how moist or dry our trees are in California will raise perpetual awareness about fire issues, climate change, and tree forest management.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Does Age Really Matter when it comes to the Value of a Person's remaining time on Earth?

In the past 20 hours Alex LOGIC has found two TV shows, made 50 years apart, that cast doubt that having a limited time left to live means one's life has less value. The first was "The Fugitive" starring David Jansen and guest star Telly Savalals. Telly's wife discovers that Telly only has 10 months to live, and she points out how lucky he is to know he has 10 months to live, that many others never get any kind of a warning.

Then just 20 hours later on the 2018 Season Premiere of the TV show "Bull", the same argument is made about a women who will be given an extra 36 months to live if she gets a liver transplant. To that woman those extra 36 months will seem like a lifetime because she knows that is all she will have.

So you lawyers out there, fight the good fight when it comes to taking medical malpractice cases for the aged and disabled. In 2017, apparently zero dollars were awarded in malpractice cases on behalf of people aged 90 or older. Unless you have hung out with the elderly, please don't discount the value some elderly place on their remaining years as being nothing more than a mathematical computation.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
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by Alessandro Machi at

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Two of my favorite AlexLOGIC articles. Celebrity Apprentice Cast to Star in New Star Trek Series, Cosmopolitan goes too far.

Donald Trump as Commander of the Federation, boy did I call that one.

Then there was my complaint about Cosmopolitan Headlines  at Target Check out lines in 2013. Walmart dropped Cosmopolitan from their check out lines in March of 2018. And Target apparently has as well. AlexLogic was over 4 years ahead of its time on this one.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
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by Alessandro Machi at

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Heroism Vs Humanity.

I just watched Good Morning America's segment regarding the tragic loss of one life on board the Southwest Airlines 1380 flight out of New York. The flight was headed towards Dallas but made an emergency landing in Philadelphia because an engine literally blew up while in the air.

As I watched the Good Morning America segment I was suddenly struck by the Heroism vs Humanity struggle our planet seems to be stuck in. The first person interviewed seemed to smile a lot while recounting the heroism that took place on the plane immediately after the Engine blew apart which was then followed by one of the windows breaking apart. 

My mind immediately went to Donald Trump's comment about John McCain being a P.O.W., I don't recall the exact comment but it was something about "I like soldiers who aren't captured". As boorish as that comment may sound, I think the point Trump was making was that everyone was honoring John McCain, Presidential Candidate at that time, for being a prisoner of war survivor. In this instance, the interviewed person was talking about the heroism involved in the actions taken immediately after the two explosions on Flight 1380. Except that the victim died. So, it's still a heroic act, but with a sad ending. 

I don't blame the interviewee for smiling, maybe that is how they are coping with the sadness over the loss of life. Maybe they were just nervous. They didn't ask to be put in that situation in the first place so there is no point in making a big deal out it. But the Good Morning America segment did remind me of the often ignored battle between Heroism vs Humanity, and that Trump is probably one of the biggest supporters when it comes to Heroism over Humanity, or Heroism as a means to thwart those who are against Humanity. 

I feel like everywhere I turn we are being dealt the Heroism card and that the only time we see humanity is if it is glorify Heroism. I thought Humanity trumped Heroism, not the other way around.

I can personally recount a small sample size of the same people who normally probably do heroic things on a daily basis in the E.R., discarding my 91 year old mother without treating her wheezing, a temporary condition brought on by a cold she had that had gotten worse.  

By the time I had pleaded and begged for anywhere from 1/2 hour to an hour in the E.R. for someone to examine my mother's wheezing while she was still in her E.R. bed, not one nurse would go up to my mother to acknowledge her wheezing. Not one chest x-ray was done.

After my quixotic nightmare in which nothing I said mattered to the nurses who had gathered in the ER room after I had videotaped the non treatment of my mother and a Code Gray being called. A security guard ripped the small camera from my hand and erased my video, "because it was a H.I.P.A.A. violation". We were then forcibly removed from the ER by that same Security Guard who ironically was a former veteran.

My mother died in my arms three days later, at home, when she should have been in a hospital being treated for her wheezing, and I am inconsolable. Would you have refused to treat this beautiful, inspiring 91 year old women if she had been wheezing (which was not a normal condition) and was in your E.R.?

Apparently some have forgotten that the biggest part of Heroism is their Humanity, not the other way around.  Attorneys seem to have forgotten how to fight for those who truly live a life of integrity and are entitled to their MediCare Benefits no matter how old they. My mother did not deserve to die simply because a small rogue group of E.R. nurses lost their way, and their humanity. 

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
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Sunday, April 8, 2018

Los Angeles Emmy Winning old school guy views Video Podcasting Revenue Method as Archaic.

I am an old school guy who believes youtube videos changed the podcast video narrative agenda in a bad way. As a Los Angeles Emmy winning editor with over 25 IMDB credits, a Tongal top 25 lifetime Ideationist, and a former Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Internship Scholarship Winner in the commercials category, I believe in editing.
The concept of elongated youtube videos and Video Podcasts is not my preference unless I am showcasing stock footage. It appears as if the genre of Video Podcasts has gravitated to a slower moving, less edited motif that has resulted in Video Podcasts not charging to be viewed. Instead Podcasts try and get "sponsors" or podders to purchase an ongoing monthly subscription.

Having a sponsor can mean the Video Podcast product in some way is either unconsciously re-sculpted to meet the Sponsor's criteria, or the entire concept of complete independence could become compromised as the sponsor reviews analytics. "Your show is popular but we are not getting the follow through for our product that we require" is probably a meme that talented video podcasters have already heard.

But there is an even bigger Video Podcasting issue to address. As an editor, I have no desire to subject my prospective viewers to a 10 minute or longer  Video Podcast  that relies on my performance ability to hold court with Viewers. My goal would be to make a wonderfully short video, a glimpse into a moment, perhaps a moment no one else can recreate while giving the viewer more of the rest of their day to  possibly watch other Podcasts.

What is it Jerry Seinfeld's TV show used to remind us, it's the walk off, and the show is right. Walk off after 3 minutes making the audience want more than overstay one's welcome in the Quixotic quest that a longer Video Podcast is somehow more bankable. If I had my druthers I would rather have people remember and enjoy a 2 minute podcast video then have them wanting a 10 minute video to be over already after they had thoroughly enjoyed the first three minutes.

I blame Youtube and unedited videos for the present day Video Podcasting paradigm. I would rather my prospective viewers watch one or two of my short videos every morning while they drink their coffee versus having an expectation the same viewer has a 10 minute or longer window of time to watch my Podcast video as if the rest of their world has stopped. God bless those who are in the top 99.9% of the  Video Podcast community who can make podders stop to watch their entire video, I don't believe I will ever be one of them when it comes to long form Podcast videos.

I had presumed that if I make Podcast Video snippets anywhere from one minute to 3 minutes in length that I could possibly charge 10 cents per Video Podcast. If the viewer really hated the short Podcast, they would be out 10 cents. If they loved the short Video Podcast and I have a 100 of them posted, they can choose whether to binge watch my short Podcasts or enjoy them over a few months time. Either way the cost is negligible versus the opportunity to enjoy a glimpse into someone else's story telling.

AlexLOGIC envisions Happy Video Podcast viewers appreciative that for 20 cents worth of Video Podcasts they could enjoy their 6 dollar StarBucks super drink and even have time left over to watch another Podcasters sponsored or subscription video as well. Is not viewing 2 Video Podcasts plus a sponsored Podcast by a different Podcaster, while drinking one's favorite drink worth 20 cents?

Apparently in Video Podcast land the answer is, "We don't charge a penny for our Podcast, instead we try to get sponsors, advertisers, or monthly subscriptions". If AlexLOGIC has a relatively low production value content that relies on the actual content over form, does AlexLOGIC still have to have a sponsor intercede? 

Another Podcasting revenue option AlexLOGIC has researched are monthly subscriptions. On the surface monthly Video Podcast subscriptions are an intriguing option, but it may require the Video Podcaster produce entertaining content presented at a mind numbingly slow speed. Suddenly longer is better when it comes to monthly Video Podcast subscriptions. Lets say I wait until I have 20 short podcasts before I go public. Lets say someone thinks that's worth a monthly subscription. What if I can't come up with another 20 for the second month? The customer is going to think I fleeced them.

If I were to produce 100, 30 second to 2 minute video Podcasts, my goal would then be to produce perhaps 4 or 5 per month thereafter. Lets say a one month video podcast subscriber pays lets 5 bucks and exhausts my entire 100 Video Podcast content in one month, won't they then feel ripped off I don't continue to come up with another new 100 short Video Podcasts every month.

AlexLOGIC (aka Alessandro Machi) believes that starting with a lot of short Video Podcast content, then building that content slow and steady every month can only work if the Podcast viewer is paying a very modest sum per Podcast so they can opt out and opt back in with little hassle. Or, maybe a yearly subscription is the answer? Instead of 5 bucks per month maybe one charges 20 dollars for a year subscription but there is a limit on the number of podcast that can be viewed per month?

Present day Video podcasting success stories seem to revolve around finding a sponsor or garnering monthly subscriptions, but this seems to encourage longer form Video Podcast content. AlexLOGIC believes it is up to  creative and considerate Video Podcasters to edit their content for maximum impact into a minimal time frame, while charging a "juke box fee" or "pay as you go" for each short Video Podcast. The Video Podcast viewer is paying for the most efficient use of their time. Viewing 3 entertaining short podcasts at 10 cents each might be a better value than watching a 10 minute podcast that has its moments and is free.

I don't want viewers binge watching my Podcast content because I won't be able to produce a large amount of Podcast content month after month. I would rather my prospective Podcast viewers enjoy coming back every day or two, or maybe once a week and spend quality time versus quantity time enjoying content. 

Sponsored Video Podcast content that requires a viewer watch a 10 minute Podcast or longer can cost the viewer much more of their day then paying 10 cents per Video Podcast to watch a memorable 2 or 3 minute Video Podcast. AlexLOGIC asks, "why can't I want what I want, and then get what I want", when it comes to video Podcasting? 

Are there options out there where AlexLOGIC can literally create a low cost Video Podcast Jukebox where prospective viewers can decide if spending 10 or 20 cents for a couple of short Video Podcasts while they enjoy their 6 dollar Starbucks, or take a break from work, is even a possibility?

I presume the low cost per short Video Podcast view does not fit into any billing paradigm that is presently offered. So why doesn't someone create a Video Podcasting micro billing app, isn't it time?

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Sunday, March 18, 2018

My Wonderful, Energetic, Strong, Adventurous 91 year old Mother was denied the Proper Service at an E.R., three days later she was gone. Please Share our Story.

Click here to learn how the E.R. spurned my mother's need for Medical Care and Forcibly Remove my mother from the E.R. Now she is Gone.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Thursday, January 18, 2018

2018 DACA Solution to help end the U.S. Budget Stalemate.

AlexLOGIC would like to offer a compromise solution regarding the 2018 DACA Impasse that could cause a government shutdown in the next day or two.

Compromise means both Republicans and Democrats give something up and neither side is completely happy with the solution. It's important to remember that the number of people who cut in line to become an American have possibly reduced or delayed the opportunities for others to come to America, legally. So based on that truth, here are AlexLOGIC's suggestions. 

  1. In exchange for allowing DACA designees to remain in the U.S., DACA designees would not be allowed to vote in a Congressional or Presidential Election until they reach a certain age or a certain span of time has elapsed. The age or span of elapsed time would be open to discussion between Democrats and Republicans.
  2. DACA designees would have to earn a certain amount of income or show a certain time span of employment, again to be determined by Democrats and Republicans, before being eligible for government programs and benefits outside of the education realm. The employment time span does not have to mean always working, but clearly show that each year in the U.S. they were employed for several months, were married, or a certified student.
  3. DACA designees would have to have a Sponsor family from the country they fled from who would take them in should they violate certain American Laws such as being involved in identity theft, drug dealing or felony drug usage, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, or being prone to violence.
  4. DACA designees would always have the right to an attorney or be provided an attorney before any attempt at a deportation could be implemented.
  5. In exchange for allowing DACA designees to remain in the U.S., Special Drivers licenses would be issued that have the word DACA on them. While some may see this as discriminatory, the likelihood is that DACA designees would be treated sympathetically by many in the U.S. when they show their driver's licenses since it means they have had to follow a straight and narrow path to remain in the U.S. A DACA driver's license could actually become a license of honor and mean the person is a solid employment choice.
The above conditions are not forms of discriminations, rather they are reminders of how fortunate DACA's are for being allowed to stay in the U.S. when the original familial entry that led to their coming to America was illegal.

What do the Democrats gain in the above solution, no inclusion of the border wall in the DACA discussions, DACA's get to stay in the U.S.

What do the Republicans gain the above solution, they can state they supported DACA, there will be a cooling off period of time before DACA recipient's can vote in an election thus ensuring a more balanced DACA vote between Republican and Democrat candidates, and less budgetary resources going to DACA recipients until they have financially contributed to the U.S. economy. 

The DACA solution as described above can summed up as a compromise solution in which both Republicans and Democrats get a lot of what they wanted and the wall is neither thwarted nor connected to the DACA solution.

What about the parents of DACA? All AlexLOGIC can say is one step at at a time. Lets solve the issue of the DACA's themselves, first.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
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