Wednesday, September 4, 2024

So Help Me Todd Cancellation Spurs Partial Boycott of CBS, Video.

Those upset with "So Help Me Todd's" cancellation, if you sign my So Help Me Todd Petition, you will get occasional; free email updates, and you will receive an email notification for the free, live, video premiere. 

If you sign the Petition, you do not need to make a donation at the Petition site if asked to do so.

Alessandro Machi is involved in several mindful projects. Alessandro's Banned by LinkedIn Facebook site assists permanently restricted LinkedIn members in their attempts to be reinstated to the LinkedIn Platform. Alessandro's "Partial Boycott of CBS" Video; is premiering in September of 2024. Alessandro's credit card innovation concept can reverse the record consumer credit card debt of 1.1 trillion dollars. Alessandro also has several other exciting projects in the works and welcomes interested parties who believe in mindful business projects.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The underbelly of CBS's 2023/2024 Prime Time cancellation tactics, Location, Location, Location, and, who is in on it?

October 19, 2024 Update: Since writing the commentary below, I have done a few months more of additional research. The Results will be featured in a soon to be released documentary. Petition signers will receive a free invitation to the Video Documentary Premiere tentatively scheduled before November of 2024.
End of October 18, 2024 Update. 
The recently canceled CBS shows NCIS Hawaii, Blue Bloods, and So Help Me Todd have one thing in common, they are all shot on Location. Another CBS cancelled show, Bob Hearts Abishola, may have been cancelled so CBS could slot in the Show's Hall of Fame Executive Producer Chuck Lorre's new show, Georgie and Mandy. Even this "trade off" is mysterious since Lorre had 2 CBS Prime Time shows come to an end, Young Sheldon and Bob Hearts Abishola, and only was awarded one new show, Georgie and Mandy. It was as if CBS realized they better throw Lorre a bone before Lorre completely leaves and takes his talents elsewhere. Truly stunning that CBS let Lorre start new shows elsewhere, wow.

Apparently CBS may be trying to avail itself to potential suitor Sony to buy their brand by making their studio look as profitable as possible, even if means destroying the lives and careers of those who have provided services for CBS.

Suddenly the murky behavior of CBS needs to be examined to see if their actions are in violation of the law. 

My speculation is CBS has turned to their own bean counters to advise CBS on how to increase the value and sales price of CBS to prospective buyer Sony; even if it means punishing CBS television shows that are NOT shot on the CBS studio lot. Even the mythically talented Executive Producer Chuck Lorre was forced to to maintain his creative empire by taking his talents elsewhere. LeBron James would be proud of Chuck for doing so, CBS fans, not so much.

Blue Bloods is shot on location in New York and one assumes is a boon to the local economy. NCIS Hawaii is shot in Hawaii, and one would think is a source of income to Hawaii, especially after the devastating fire that decimated the town of Lahaina on the island of Maui. So Help Me Todd is filmed in Vancouver and surely helped the Vancouver economy. 

Because each CBS location show was cancelled, CBS will be able to show a more robust stage billing percentage versus off site production costs, which in turn makes CBS stages look more valuable to any entity interested in buying the CBS brand.

Speculation points to an absolutely tyrannical lust for maximizing the value of CBS studios to Sony so CBS can grind out a billion or billions more dollars from prospective buyer Sony! 

Memo to Sony, if you reward CBS for their cancellation strategy, Fans of all the cancelled shows will also boycott Sony for rewarding CBS's anti fan agenda.

Imagine the ferocity of a multi-billion dollar juggernaut Network like CBS with the mindset of a 2 year old saying "mine, mine, mine" at every turn, then throwing and breaking the toys that bore them so nobody else can have them. But for a theory of cancelling shows produced outside of CBS studios to increase the value of CBS to a prospective buyer to possibly be true, then a series like CSI Vegas would have also been cancelled.  Oh wait, CSI Vegas was also cancelled by CBS! 

So a studio that thrives on viewers all over the U.S., Canada, and even internationally (Bob Hearts Abishola is popular internationally) appears to have selfishly cancelled location shows and a show that appeals to international audiences. This cancellation celebration may allow CBS to drive up the percentage usage of CBS studio billable time versus the total operating budget for each episode, which in turn should increase the overall value of the CBS Stages and CBS  brand so CBS can squeeze extra money out of a sale to Sony. 

If the above cancellation of location agenda is true, it sounds like it would take a season's worth of So Help Me Todd episodes to expose this demonic, self indulgent, real life madness.

But what if it is even worse than a motive to both create a higher CBS brand sales cost while also messing with the lives and futures of multiple brilliant creatives and their teams of talented casts and crew? 

If you think the above scenario is not possible, studio executive knuckleheads either approved or have remained quiet as to who ordered the cutting down of shade trees during the Writers Strike to help bake the brains of the most creative minds on the planet, the ones that produce the shows that gives CBS their studio value! Or maybe it was a competitor of CBS that ordered the cutting down of the shade trees specifically because CBS was so far ahead in scripted program ratings??? (make that 2 seasons worth of new of So Help Me Todd episodes to expose this escalating madness).

What if the California Politicians responsible for the rapidly expanding California Budget Deficit want CBS studios to drop their outside out of State location production so more studio jobs will be added locally? What if California wants the CBS sales price to go as high as possible since it will mean a substantial raise in property tax revenue and all the other associated tax revenue by creating more California based shows using local talent?

On a sad but potentially related issue, the quid pro quo between California governance and the White House is so incestuous you would cringe if you knew the details. 

Additionally 24 billion for homeless projects have gone unaccounted. The Political Motivation to encourage CBS to cut their "out of California location productions" and focus on California based production suddenly seems like a fiscal quid pro quo for both CBS and California. CBS first cuts all outside of California Entertainment Production, this results in an increase in California jobs and local production at CBS Studioswhich helps jack up the sales price of the CBS Brand to prospective suitor Sony, which helps California increase its tax revenue base in a myriad of ways, which helps reimburse the 55 billion dollar in fraudulent unemployment reimbursements to the Federal Government faster, or, help battle the rapidly rising California Budget deficit crisis.

One way California and the White House can prove there has been no quid pro quo between California and the White House is to swarm CBS with real FBI agents and honestly investigate if CBS traded the livelihood of those who worked on these cancelled shows so CBS Executives and Equity Stake holders could pocket extra money at the expense of Creatives and the legacy programming CBS obliterated.

Calling Margaret's law firm, Beverly Crest, where are you when we need you and Todd to investigate? Doesn't it seem like So Help Me Todd is truth, and we in the "real world" are trapped inside a cauldron of fraudulent reality that is more dishonest than the make believe world of Todd? Maybe Todd is real, and we are make believe? 

Update: May 19, 2024 6:06pm.
What exactly did CBS do that would warrant an investigation? I would suggest posing as a studio that accepts Television series that shoot on location, and then using this exact same reason to cancel the same series would be a change in terms violation and breach of contract. 

The further issue that could be argued is CBS hoarded scripted, highly rated location shows so other Networks could not have them, thus becoming a scripted series ratings monopoly; then offering no relocation payment remedy as they cancelled their location shows. 

Since location shows have been disrupted, there could also be a Hobbs Act violation, which is disruption of interstate commerce. 

There could also be some type of allegation of private enrichment through the use of public airwaves since the goal is to personally profit by canceling the very shows that created value through the public airwaves. Paramount Plus could possibly tell anyone to get lost for no reason at all since they are subscription based, but the bar would have to be higher for a publicly owned / Government controlled transmission signal that is used by CBS to increase its resale value.

Lack of monetary remedy to the cancelled TV shows should be asked for based on the alleged violations listed above.

Alessandro Machi is involved in several mindful projects in an age that is rapidly over relying on Artificial Intelligence. Banned by LinkedIn assists wrongfully permanently restricted LinkedIn members get reinstated to the LinkedIn Platform. Save So Help Me Todd is a grass roots effort to find a new home for the recently canceled So Help Me Todd. Alessandro's credit card innovation concept can reverse the record consumer credit card debt of 1.1 trillion dollars. Alessandro also has several other exciting projects in the works and welcomes interested investors.

Friday, May 3, 2024

So Help Me Todd should move to the CW Network.

The behavior and actions of CBS point to a preordained cancellation of So Help me Todd once Elsbeth was given back to back episodes the same night Todd was removed from that night's schedule. The back to back Elsbeth episodes resulted in So Help Me Todd going 28 days between broadcasts, even though So Help Me Todd still had 6 new episodes that had not been broadcast yet! 

The manner in which CBS trotted out their new fall line-up on a Thursday just hours before Todd was premiering a new episode, as if CBS did it intentionally to put a dagger into Todd's Fans, cannot be forgotten. 

What also cannot be forgotten is how 3 CBS shows, Blue Bloods, NCIS Hawaii, and So Help me Todd, each had divergent AND VERY LOYAL fans.  

Why would CBS cut ties with 3 TV shows that each had very loyal yet separate demographic fan bases who EACH found their own favorite show, healing?

NCIS Hawaii was most likely helping the local Hawaiian economy recover after the devastating fire, cancelled

Blue Bloods was a reassuring show that behind the scenes, well intentioned Upper Brass were constantly at work trying to keep law and order fair for everyone, cancelled

So Help Me Todd IS a delight for those who love transformative characters that one moment seem in too far over their heads but then COLLECTIVELY endure and prosper. What an uplifting message to send out each week, teamwork wins.  cancelled.

Having successfully cut the heart out of over 10-15 million fans with these 3 CBS cancellations, this is the time to see if the CW Network wants to embrace So Help Me Todd and Todd's executive Producer, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Phil's Production company, Merit Street Media. Many Todd Fans do not recall that Dr. Phil created the very popular Bull, which ran for 6 seasons on CBS and was replaced by So Help me Todd. It's time Dr. Phil take a more prominent role so Fans of Todd realize without Dr. Phil, So Help Me Todd may have never made it to Television.

If Dr. Phil and CBS have irreconcilable differences, hopefully CBS allows Dr. Phil to move both So Help Me Todd to a new network of Dr. Phil's choosing. Plus, CBS has played a punkish role by ignoring thousands upon thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of Todd fans written comments begging for CBS to give Todd another chance on their Network.

The least CBS can do now is allow So Help Me Todd to thrive elsewhere.

There are at least 3 one hour series on the CW network that would mesh perfectly in a back to back scenario with So Help Me Todd.
Family Law, Wild Cards, and the fall release of The Librarians. Even the cancelled Spenser Sisters would work in tandem with So Help Me Todd.

What would it take So Help me Todd Series Executive Producer, Dr. Phil, to be involved with the CW? If I were brokering a deal between the CW and Dr. Phil, I would require Dr. Phil put in 10 million equity stake to become an Equity Partner, and, adding So Help me Todd to the CW Schedule and possibly the Dr. Phil Show.

So Help Me Todd fans would be the difference maker when a million So Help me Todd fans publicly endorse following Todd to the CW. Considering the CW averages 300,000 fans per broadcast, an additional 1 million new fans loyal to the CW would most certainly put a dent in the 70 million dollar loss the CW Network recently experienced. And here is where it gets real interesting.   

Dr. Phil now has his own streaming network.  An additional added value is being able to use Dr. Phil's Merit Street Media to incubate new shows. Additionally, Because ratings have been low for the CW, rerunning past series would be like showing them for the first time. This rerun tactic is exactly what CBS did when they re ran the series Yellowstone on CBS during the Writer's strike. 

Tripling the ratings of the CW and expanding programming options from the CW Vault for newly arriving Todd Fans should create a significant increase in advertising reach and revenue. 

Because Paramount owns 12.5% interest in the CW, they stand to gain from their CW investment by not standing in the way of a Dr. Phil move to the CW network.


Alessandro Machi is involved in several mindful projects in an age that is rapidly over relying on Artificial Intelligence. Banned by LinkedIn assists wrongfully permanently restricted LinkedIn members get reinstated to the LinkedIn Platform. Save So Help Me Todd is a grass roots effort to find a new home for the recently canceled So Help Me Todd. Alessandro's credit card innovation concept can reverse the record consumer credit card debt of 1.1 trillion dollars. Alessandro also has several other exciting projects in the works and welcomes interested investors.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

CBS Friday Family Fun Night, So Help Me Todd, Elsbeth, Matlock, Make it so.

CBS Just announced the cancellation of So Help me Todd. If you agree this is a terrible move, Please Join the "Save So Help Me Todd", movement. You can also join the Save Todd Call to Action Group, and, you can sign the Change dot org Petition which now has over 22,000 signatures as of May 02, 2024.

CBS has a golden opportunity to create a Family Friendly Friday Night line-up with So Help Me Todd, Elsbeth, and Matlock. No Network has 3 hours of consecutive Family Friendly Prime Time programming on Network Television at the moment. At at time when Fentanyl overdose deaths have reached 100,000 a year, giving families a reason to stay together on a Friday Night and watch quirky, clever characters perform, has taken on a new importance...avoiding tragic fentanyl overdose deaths caused when kids go out on a Friday Night to have "fun".


Empowering quirkiness can reduce some of the emotional health issues that seem to be increasing with each passing year.

With the final season of Blue Bloods coming to a conclusion, now is the time to completely shift what remains of the CBS Friday line-up, to Thursday, and move Thursdays line-up, to Friday. 

Besides saving lives, there are extremely logical marketing reasons to create a CBS Friday Family Fun Night. Besides having 3 shows in a row the entire family can watch together without bullets flying in practically every scene and every direction, older viewers tend to be automobile buyers, and guess which day car advertisers like to run their car commercials, Fridays. 

Viewers have been inundated with car chase, explosive, violent, near death medical emergency viewing nights, game shows, and "reality" TV, why not add a full night with Quirky characters, clever writing, and recurring cast members who don't all carry remind us that Recurring Cast Members can be human, and quirky, without committing violence, battling violence, or be engaged in perpetual violent mayhem to draw an audience.

AlexLOGIC, aka Los Angeles Emmy Winning Producer / Editor Alessandro Machi has many of his own quirky ideas designed to help humanity.

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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Why prioritizing Animal Welfare, a Coherent Recycling Strategy, and Improved Human Healthcare Services, over Homelessness, could actually help reduce Homelessness.

Imagine a home that hosts one party a day, every day. Most would agree a Party a day, every day, is an unsustainable model for any home to function normally. Now add in that the guests at each Party are different from the previous Parties, the participants do not know each other, did not know the hosts, and have no tangible future plans once that day's Party is over. 

Welcome to America 2023.

This "Party first" approach has run amok in the U.S., courtesy of an unending, escalating stream of Uninvited Migration. It turns out that once a person has attended a "Party" (aka entrance into the United States), their well being at the Party, and after the Party, becomes the responsibility of those who allowed the Party to happen courtesy of our Legal System. 

Enter the Lawyers. Suddenly Lawyers become available to represent the uninvited who attended any of the Parties and were subsequently treated inhumanely.  Lawyers who were not available for the everyday American (many Americans have needed a lawyer at one time or another and not been able to get the help they needed) can now sue the Host of the Party from a wide ranging pallet of potential abuses for those who were never invited to the U.S., nor have ever paid into the U.S. Economy in any way. 

Enter a paradigm shift strategy. 

Because we all know and would all agree that no home can host a party a day in perpetuity without an inevitable harmful outcome due to a lack of ongoing care to the Home's infrastructure and the Home's resident's needs, a shift in strategy is required. 

The Home, the people in the Home, and the Home's contents have to be prioritized FIRST, before more Parties can be had. Welcome to recommitting to our Home, the United States, and those who are already here, and already vulnerable. 

Animals have become one of the most stabilizing influences in at least half of the residences in the United States. Yet more and more animal shelters are becoming Instant Kill shelters when an animal is dropped off by a Guardian who themselves is having a hardship. if we can't be Guardians to the truly most vulnerable, who also give back so much more in love, affection and devotion then, then we should not be having more and more parties.

Our recycling programs are a disaster, surely we would want for America what we expect in our own residences, a relatively tidy place where we can relax and have our moments of peace and tranquility.

Our healthcare is a disaster. Many Hospitals and ER's are either under funded by the Government's medicare and medicaid reimbursement structure, or are under staffed because they are Privately owned and shareholders must be paid a tidy profit at the expense of fair and competent healthcare for all.

If the U.S. cannot competently care take for the animals they love, the land we bury our trash in, and elders and veterans who committed their life to the betterment of the United States, how can we keep allowing millions of the uninvited into our country on a yearly basis?

And therein is the pathway to reduce homelessness. If we presently have less Homeless in the U.S. than the total amount of people who are arriving uninvited ever year, then it would appear reducing the Uninvited to a trickle would allow more resources to be harnessed for the benefit of our Elder and Veteran care, along with Animal and Environmental care, which in turn would significantly reduce homelessness in the U.S.

AlexLOGIC, aka Los Angeles Emmy Winning Producer / Editor Alessandro Machi, is bringing back retro analog video editing gear from the 1990's that will revolutionize video editing for those who do not enjoy or understand editing on a computer. Investors in this retro rebrand concept are welcome. Finished product should gross 10 million in sales annually

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Friday, March 10, 2023

The 1.2 million voters removed from the Los Angeles County Voter Rolls could impact the George Gascon Recall.

The George Gascon recall drive may have been thwarted by bloated Los Angeles voter rolls that most likely inaccurately raised the recall signature threshold needed to recall George Gascon.

The recent removal of over 1 million, 2 hundred thousand voters from the LA voter Rolls may, or may not, have inflated the number of petition signatures required for the George Gascon recall vote. And, even if the argument is made that that was then, this is now, we would then have to ask how long was the voter roll reduction stalled before it came to be. 

Voter Roll Removal could become a quid pro quo in which LA Officials were stalling before the voters were removed from the voter rolls, thus inflating the number of signatures needed to recall George Gascon. 

Stay tuned as Daily Puma attempts a calculation to see how many less signatures the George Gascon recall actually needed.
On first glance this would mean the recent removal of 1.2 million voters from the rolls has no standing in regards to the Gascon recall. However, lets backwards engineer the numbers. From a claimed 5.67 million LA voters, the new numbers reflect a drop of 1.2 million voters, meaning there are now 4.47 million voters. This would mean only 447,000 votes would now be needed to recall George Gascon. 
Is it fair to just suddenly jettison 1.2 million voters and claim it had no effect on recent recall attempts? DailyPUMA believes the 1.2 million votes that were removed would have to be charted on a graph as if the voter rolls were actually being cleaned up every year. Just because 1.2 million voters were removed from the voter rolls does not mean they all "rolled off" this year. A calculation would have to be made going back at least 10 years and the 1.2 million removed voters could be calculated at 120,000 per year.

2012 to 2020 equals 8 years x 120,000 per year voter attrition. That would mean 960,000 thousand more voters were on the roll in 2020 than actually existed. Instead of 5.67 million voters, the argument can be made that when Gascon was elected, there were only approximately 4.71 million voters. This in turn means the Gascon recall only needed 471,000 votes to qualify, NOT the mandated 567,000.

This also raises the issue that by not updating voter rolls, local Governments are engaging in a power grab in which voters ability to recall an official diminishes the more bloated the voter rolls actually are. This also means vote percentage totals have been significantly inaccurate, which in turn can demoralize voters into thinking their city is apathetic because of inaccurately lower voting percentage totals.
If I were involved in the Gascon Recall effort, I would be in court demanding the petition total required to recall Gason was based on voter rolls that were not in compliance with FEDERAL LAWS, and that a new calculation needs to be retroactively applied that would instantly make the Gascon recall valid.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

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Thursday, March 2, 2023

How much damage did the Medical community inflict by using the term "Nervous Breakdown" to label people as being less than whole?

Why did the term nervous breakdown come to be? Other terms that mean the same thing as Nervous breakdown....Revelation, Acknowledgement, PTSD, Healing, Reviewing, Coping strategy, Grieving, Reaching out, Contemplating, Frustrated, all would have been more life affirming, and, MORE ACCURATE, than putting the "nervous breakdown" label on someone.

I wonder how many people suffered real trauma by being medically labeled as experiencing a nervous breakdown.


If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Supreme Court 2022 Abortion Ruling falls short.

If I could ask the Supreme Court Justices one question regarding their Abortion ruling, it would be how did they become so focused on Federal versus State rights rulings to the point they never considered ruling that would have encourage every State to consider allowing Individual counties within each State to decide if Abortion should be legal, or not, with each County?

If a reader reacts in a knee jerk fashion to the above concept, than perhaps the reader has become so brainwashed and accustomed to Federal vs States rights they have missed the trees within the forest.

If the popular vote for or against Abortion is within a narrow plurality of a few percentage points in either direction, then no matter how the State rules, they are using a minimal majority to force a stark philosophy on the rest of the State's population.

However, if each and every county could decide if they preferred to legalize or not legalize Abortion, then each State would have the ideal scenario. Certain parts of the State would be against Abortion, and other parts would be for Abortion, and that would most closely represent the will of the people.

Unlike the highly politicized demand that the popular vote be used to determine Presidential elections, using the popular vote of individual counties to decide Abortion policy within each county would give residents of every State reasonable options to both flex and enforce their beliefs about Abortion pro or con, while not imposing their will on others.



If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

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Monday, June 27, 2022

When People get upset over historical events, it is IMPERATIVE they do this one thing.

When reviewing Historical events, it is imperative to balance our emotional reaction of the past with the appropriate amount of humility.

If events had occurred differently before we ourselves were conceived, it is quite possible a different human spirit would exist in place of our own, we would therefore no longer have ever existed.

I find that 99% or more of all people who are enraged about historical events that occurred before they themselves were conceived refuse to humble themselves by realizing that they themselves would have never existed if the past had been different before they were conceived.

I can be upset that Adolph Hitler existed and rose to power by inflaming pre-adults into believing they were a superior race, but if Hitler had never existed, neither would anyone who was born after Hitler became relevant and powerful in Germany.

If you could chose whether or not Adolph Hitler ever existed, but  you would suddenly have never existed as a direct result of this choice, would you still chose for Hitler to have never have existed?

We can never own the past without having lived in it, this is a reality that many refuse to acknowledge and to be humbled by.


If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

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Sunday, April 10, 2022

Mainstrean Media released deceptively edited 911 footage of the Pentagon Airplane crash that fueled conspiracy theorists ever since.

I don't know if it was intentional, or just some intern carelessly prepping the Pentagon video clip that would be released by The AP, but the video footage that was released was shortened in such a way as to create just enough doubt that it was an airplane that hit the Pentagon.

I recently came across the part of the footage that was missing, and I debunked it as being a missile, and now I can't find that video link online. Now THAT'S a conspiracy.

Here is what The Associated Press released on YouTube.

The above footage cuts off critical moments before the explosion that easily and coherently allows me to explain why this is was an airplane that hit the Pentagon.

I did find another video of this same angle on Pinterest, except the video appears to have been zoomed in, once again leaving me to wonder if the real conspiracy was making the video look it could be a missile when it was not. Click here to see the zoomed in perspective, which also may add enough doubt to satiate most Conspiracy Theorists.

I managed to find the version of the Pentagon 911 plane crash video that claims it was a missile. What is actually so crazy is this is the only video on Youtube that I could find that actually provides the evidence other two videos did not provide that allowed me to debunk the claim that this was a missile.

This is a conspiracy within a conspiracy that actually reveals the truth. I will add why this video explains this is a plane crash and not a missile crash in the future. And my evidence goes well beyond the one frame just before the explosion that shows a white blurry object in the far right part of the video image.

Check back and I will provide the explanation.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Medicare Discharge Appeal Criteria KILLS Seniors and Protects ER EMTALA VIOLATORS.

I am fuming right now. According to Medicare Discharge Appeal Criteria, an ER Patient cannot appeal being discharged from the ER if they have not yet been admitted to a Hospital Room!

This is pure insanity!

Congress passed a law called EMTALA to specifically ensure that any Hospital patient not be discharged if their condition is not stable. Is Medicare now stating that the ER is not a Hospital and therefore Patients who are not stable can be legally dumped as long as the ER does not document the decline in the Patient's health and just discharges the patient instead?

Is Medicare following a policy that literally spits on the very purpose that EMTALA was created?  YES!

"To appeal your discharge, you must be an inpatient. There is no official way to appeal your release if you are in observation or outpatient status. You can ask your doctor to tell you your status. At your admission and again before discharge, the hospital staff must give you a form called "An Important Message from Medicare." This form includes the phone number for the QIO and tells you what you need to do to appeal the discharge. If the hospital staff did not give you this form, ask for it. By law, the hospital must provide you with this information."  end quote.

The above quote just spit on the very concept of EMTALA and the illegality of Patient Dumping!  This is insanity. I have found this over and over and over when it comes to finding advocates for Healthcare patients, Patient Advocates are VERY SUBMISSIVE and will ALWAYS SIDE with what they are told by the very people who are AGAINST Patients Rights.

Repeating the specific sentence from the above quote. "There is no official way to appeal your release if you are in observation or outpatient status." end quote. 

How can anyone who knows what EMTALA actually means utter such completely incorrect advice? And if the advice is correct, then what a corrupt system we have in place for protecting those who have violated the EMTALA rights of their patients.

Medicare or the people who created the page I am quoting from are apparently saying that the ER can violate a patient's EMTALA rights if the patient has not officially been admitted to a hospital room! How can Medicare sanction illegality and deny appeals that are based on illegal ER actions?

So when Hospital patients are piled up in the hallways of ER rooms waiting to get a room, in theory they could be discharged and the patient would have no right to appeal the discharge decision. This is beyond outrageous. And this situation will only get worse as the present Administration allows 2 million Undocumented to enter the U.S. every year.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Playing the "What if" Game regarding the 2022 Oscar Awards and the Slap heard Round the World.

After the Chris Rock "G.I. Jane" joke, what if Jada Pinkett Smith had started to cry, gotten up, and asked Will Smith to escort her out of the Academy Awards Show, and slowly, while softly sobbing, left the Academy Awards Show with Will Smith by her side, and that long, flowing green dress lingering behind them?

What would have happened?

Would not both Jada and Will have been the toast of the World? Would not the Academy, and possibly Chris Rock, actually pursued both Will and Jada and begged them to come back to the show?

Instead we got the Slap heard round the World.

I mention this because Black Anger sometimes wins out over Black Vulnerability, perhaps because African Americans don't believe others would have empathy for them when they feel they have been dissed?

Perhaps owning one's own vulnerability is the secret to success?

Which is why I LOVE this Crest commercial so much. The final shot of this commercial is so memorable, awe inspiring, and full of so much positivity I hope people of all colors embrace the message, and ironically the final shot was about as long as the slap heard round the world.
I think this kid Amarr Wooten ... Lead role, has a future in Hollywood, bigly. And props to the co-stars Camryn Hamm ... Girl in driver's seat of car, Kimberly Hamm ... Girl in car with phone who both came off as totally believable and likeable.

The commercial is well shot, directed and performed. Would have loved to have seen a wider shot approaching the car but they packed a lot into a 15 second spot.

Owning a moment in time with authenticity apparently surpasses lashing out in anger.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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by Alessandro Machi at

Sunday, March 27, 2022

COVID-19 Protocols the Media Never Questioned Raises more Questions.

What COVID-19 related Big Tech Censorship revealed was there was only one way forward, "Do as the alleged Medical Experts say to do and do not disagree with their message in any way".
We are a civilization of experimenters. A significant number of both Doctors and Patients quickly chilled to the idea that that there was only one combination to combat COVID-19: Social Distancing, Masking, Vaccines, and Home Quarantine.

Questions that were not allowed to be discussed by people with questions included... 
  • Was it possible that breathing in and out of a mask all day long might have unknown, detrimental consequences? 
  • Was it possible that after 20 years of never coming up with an overall effective flu vaccine, Big Pharma would come up with an effective Vaccine for COVID-19 in less than one year's time?
  • Was it ethical to project the theory that a Vaccine was human kind's only hope against COVID-19 as a fact?
  • Why do many who protest what they see as COVID-19 tyranny  believe that sneezing does not spread COVID-19?
  • In the very early stages of a possible COVID-19 infection, when a person was asked to Home Quarantine for 7 to 14 days, why were there no Home Quarantine Studies being done to see if a certain combination of activities might actually slow down the  growth of a COVID-19 infection? Thus allowing a person's anti-bodies to do a better job of preventing COVID-19 from progressing into a life threatening situation.
  • Why was Donald Trump so mercilessly attacked when he asked a question about COVID-19 treatment ideas that was meant to elicit a discussion about possible COVID-19 treatment options above and beyond Vaccine and Masks since the Vaccine was still over 6 months away from being available?
  • How were people supposed to react to accusations of Medical Racism in Underserved Communities after decades of Undocumented Migration producing concentrated pockets of Under Served living in big cities and in cramped, over crowded quarters, who may have actually been driving up COVID-19 numbers and inevitable fears and Government controls and thus causing others who lived in less cramped conditions to be just as restricted in their daily activities when they were not the cause of the inflated COVID-19 Numbers?
  • Why were obese people upset that not everyone else wanted to completely comply with insufferable COVID-19 restrictions because of the obese person's obesity?
  • Why were Family members blockaded from any type of visitation with COVID-19 Hospital Patients, never getting to see them before they passed?
  • Why were COVID-19 Hospital Patients kept imprisoned to the point where one wonders if lack of movement contributed to their demise?
  • Was it possible that placing numerous COVID-19 Hospital Patients in the same large room actually contributed to their death? 
The present but temporary 2022 respite from COVID-19 restrictions has made Anti-Big Tech dig in their heels and say "Never Again" when nothing has actually changed other than a COVID-19 respite for the time being.

It seems as if what COVID-19 ultimately created was a method for Government to control entire populations who were never asked to participate in any type of voluntary, home based clinical trial experiments during Home Quarantine to see if there were any ways to reduce the overall personal impact of COVID-19, and that stunning oversight continues to this day, in large part because both Big Tech and our Mainstream media seemed to like it that way.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
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You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Monday, October 18, 2021

An Internet Innovation that could create product royalties for a viewer's favorite websites.

This is so darn logical in regards to Internet ads I cannot understand why it is not being done. All I want on my favorite websites that I want to support is a text box where I can type in what I am looking for and if I know the site where the product resides, I can type that in as well.
After I hit click the I am transported to either the site where I intend on purchasing a product, or to a page with a few choices. If I Purchase something the site I was on gets a percentage residual. What a great way to support your local online newspaper or blogger. 

Rather than show me an ad of a product that I looked at a week ago and may have already purchased or am no longer interested in, why not just put an empty text box on the site I am on and I type in what I am looking for?

What am I missing? 
Why doesn't the above already exist?

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

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