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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kia Motors Sorento Commercial, how you like it now, I like it very much.

The Kia Motors 60 second Sorento commercial has time to make up for a stumbly beginning. The commercial builds momentum so quickly that by the end of many feel that it is one of their favorite commercials of all time.

I think Kia did such a good job (along with the band) coming up with the song that they could have made a contest for budding filmmakers to make a Kia Sorento commercial using the same music them. However, because it is a car commercial, that probably poses some safety issues and maybe is one of those ideas that sounds better as an idea than actually trying it do it.

From the moment the bowling pins explode, the Kia Sorento commercials loses momentum for the next several seconds. The exploding pins should have been followed by a group shot in the Kia of our adventurous friends, instead we see a reaction shot at the bowling alley, funny, but not the proper way to proceed after the pins explode.

As much as I like the jet ski sequence, it seems to be out of place when it comes up so early in the commercial. However, because the jet ski sequence happened so early in the commercial, the commercial completely recovers (in great part because of the music track) and gains massive momentum rapidly. By the time we see "mom" being patchworked on to the arm of one of our heroes, the commercial has attained warp drive entertainment value.

This is a 60 second commercial. I don't recall the 30 second version. If the music can be properly cut down, there is no reason the Kia Sorento commercial cannot also be a classic in the 30 second genre as well.

The slow motion shots of our group are terrific and memorable as well. I know chest bumps at some point will go out of vogue, but, where is the group chest bump?

What adds the final cout de tat for me is the "made in america" message at the very end of the commercial.

The song is so solid it comes off as an instant "where have I heard that before it is so good" classic. Kia should consider using the same sound track every time they come up with a new Sorento commercial.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Saturday, May 22, 2010

No special effects, no loud music, no fast cutting, yet an instant Classic French commercial starring Mr. W.

Even the casting for Mr. W. is amazing. Like this blog article title says, "No special effects, no loud music, no fast cutting, yet this french commercial is an instant classic".

The W commercial is obviously offensive the first time one views it. However, once one understands what is going on the offense turns into a "gotcha moment". I was personally relieved when I figured out the deeper meaning of the commercial and its ability to have obviously socially offensive images actually have a deeper meaning, and I found that impressive.

This commercial does raise a philosophical question for me. If a commercial uses imagery that most would deem offensive or inappropriate, is the imagery justified if they actually have a deeper meaning?

While it can be considered artistic, or innovative, when people realize that something may not be as it seems, what about the people that never "get it", and view the commercial as offensive and either turn the channel every time they see it come on, or simply clench their fists and remain upset?

Television as a medium has the unique distinction of reaching so many people at the same time without always knowing how the populace is affected on an individual basis.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Volkswagen Punch Dub Routan television commercial reviewed here.

The Volkswagen "Punch Bug" turned "Punch Dub" commercials are probably very successful. I wonder what percentage of people that get hit in real life because of these VW Punch Dub commercials don't like getting hit.

May we presume that those who do not like getting hit will probably never buy a VW? Dare I research how many fights the Volkswagen Punch Dub commercials might have already caused?
MIght be interesting if there had been a VW "Lip smack" campaign. You know, make love, not war, Lip Smack someone you love when you see a VW. (there I go again with my Alex Logic ideas).
a postal carrier hits a homeowner;
while a child gleefully takes in the violence;
a pregnant lady hits a realtor, I guess it's never too early to show a prospective human some violence;
and a young girl hits gramps really hard, causing him to spew out the lemonade he was guzzling that he had just bought from her lemonade stand.
As if all of that "action" wasn't dysfunctional enough, the Andy Griffith music theme plays in the background. The Andy Griffith show was one of the least violent shows ever made, a fact made more stunning since it revolved around a sheriff and his deputy buddy. The Andy Griffith television show is a classic american icon and to use the music theme in the violent manner in which the Volkswagen Punch Dub routan television commercial uses it is questionable, to say the least.
Ratcheting the outrageousness up one more notch, the entire adventure is all for show as dad was chauffering his brood of kids around the neighborhood specifically so they can see what devastation their VW Routan car will spontaneously wreak on the planet as people "punch dub" each other.

When the escorted kids viewing the violence that their VW Routan is inflicting on the world ask dad for another ride around the block so they can view more VW Punch Dubs, we learn the grandest lesson of all, it is better to cause violence, than to be on the receiving end of the violence.

Bravo! (sarcasm alert).

I wonder if the ad agency that came up with this campaign already had this particular commercial in mind when it created the prior versions of the VW Punch Dub ad campaign. As much as I would probably not want to be associated with these commercials nor their message of violence gone wild, I must admit that the spin the Routan commercial spot puts on the Punch Dub television commercials is seriously brilliant.
The message of the VW Routan ad is, "Don't be one of the losers either getting hit or hitting someone else whenever they see a VW, be the WINNER who DRIVES a VW that gets to watch all the losers pummel each other."
Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow.
There is some seriously cleverly demented intellect going on in the message this commercial delivers. What makes this commercial so brilliant is, as bad as the message of punching someone else whenever a VW rolls by might appear to be from a humanistic, civilized and educated point of view, the message is completely en pointe with the state of the world's economy.

Virtually every aspect of anything to do with the economy has an exit plan. No matter what stock you own, you now have an exit plan. No matter what property you own, you now have an exit plan just in case. No matter what car you own.... own the car that makes other people hit each other, and not you.

What was it Patton said, "No bastard ever won a war dying for his country, he won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." Maybe it's time for an update to Patton's famous saying.
"If you want to watch the other dumb bastard die for his country, you can do it from the comfort of a VW Routan." -Alessandro Machi

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Friday, May 14, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Contest Info and commentary.

I don't know if it is too late to enter the Pepsi Refresh contest, but here is the link if you want to check it out.

Pepsi just awarded a 25,000 prize to a school that suggested sending a veggie mobile to schools so kids can see how great veggies are. The irony of this idea is that one of the reasons veggie's aren't more popular is that processed foods, be they candy bars, hamburgers, or soft drinks, tend to be more popular because they are easier to consume and have extra sugar, spices and salt in them.

So, if Pepsi would agree to put more more fruit juice in their soft drink product (with an overall lower sugar content), veggies might be more tasty in between swigs of that pepsi drink. "Just sayin".
My suggestion would be for Pepsi to experiment with lower content sugar soft drinks and put them on that veggie truck and see if that makes the veggies tastier.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Facebook and Five Blogs Before Lunch Ad Responders, you can collect a hefty 20% Commission because of who you know, and who knows you!

Hi, this is Alessandro Machi of AlexLOGIC. You can win a 20% sales commission if you can connect me to a specific television show or commercial decision maker who then hires me as a consultant. This can be an excellent opportunity for some of you out there who have built up great connections over the years. It's like being an agent without the overhead.

Simply click on any of the article links below that you are connected with. Each link has the name of the television show or commercial listed in it so you can just click on the specific one that applies to you. If you can hook me up with a decision maker from a particular show or commercial from the list below, you will receive a 20% commission from the consulting fee that I receive.
If you don't see any show or commercial below that you are connected to, I still appreciate your interest and you are welcome to check out AlexLOGIC for all the articles already on it. If you want to learn more about me, here is an additional article link for you to check out.

I am looking for a connection to a decision maker at the TV Show Deal or no Deal.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker at the TV Show Price is Right.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for a Folgers Television Commercial.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for a Reality TV Show Idea.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for Major League Baseball and Shin Soo Choo.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for the Lexus Milestone Commercial.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for the CSI Miami Television Show.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for Major League Baseball.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for any Super Bowl Commercial.
I am looking for a connection to a decision maker for the Television Show "The Marriage Ref".

Please note, you receive the 20% commission of the consulting fee once I receive the consulting fee.
Below are samples of ideas and insights I have shared on Alex Logic.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Friday, May 7, 2010

AlexLogic Reviews the Limited Time five dollar coupon offer from Vegan ZPizza on any Berkeley Vegan Pizza ordered at participating ZPizza locations.

I loved almost everything about the Berkely Vegan ZPizza. I could do without the vegan cheese topping. I think the Berkeley Vegan ZPizza probably doesn't even need the vegan cheese topping anyways. Will update this topic once I try a cheeseless version of the Berkely Vegan ZPizza. The five dollar ZPizza Vegan coupon can be downloaded until May 08, 2010, and then can be used until May 15, 2010 at participating ZPizza locations.

Apparently you can download more than one, but you can only use one per visit. There is a minimum order maximum driving distance and 2 dollar delivery fee if you order delivery.

(Edit note:) The coupon offer has now expired. I am not too thrilled that it was cut off halfway through May 08, 2010 rather than at midnight. However, in theory you could pay 50 cents to have a color copy made of your coupon if you had downloaded one before the coupon was no longer available since the coupon is good through May 15, 2010.

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Thursday, May 6, 2010

IS NBC Wasting significant amounts of Bandwidth even as they proclaim to be going Green? And Betty White stars on Saturday Night Live!

I don't know which comes first at NBC, huge amounts of money to set up their web sites, or the egg they lay when their viewers can't load their site quickly enough, get hammered with obnoxiously long commercials, interminable loading times, and way too much flash and pinnache going on when the viewer just wants to watch a particular promo.

If I want to see the Betty White promo for her 2010 Mothers day Saturday Night Live appearance, I first have to go to the third page of Google to find the link to NBC! That's right. I typed a google search for Official Betty White Sat Night Live, and the Saturday Night live link did not show up UNTIL THE THIRD PAGE OF GOOGLE!
25 OTHER WEB SITES were listed above NBC, and this no doubt has to do with the dodgyness of trying to access their site.
Once I find the Link and access it, I then have to view a very LONG commercial first, then a distracting movie promo plays to the right that completely competes with the purpose of my visit and actually causes further delays in the loading time of the Betty White Promo and CANCELS me from learning about EITHER Betty White and whatever the movie was that NBC was trying to infiltrate my eyes with.

Thankfully, embedding the promo from NBC is a much easier way to view the promo. If you clicked the link above, you will appreciate how much easier it is to view the same promo below.

Although the beginning of the promo jumps every single time I play it on my computer, the reason may be it was either encoded incorrectly, or it could be the additional promo that is probably playing off of the same web page even though you can't see it here is actually still causing a problem.

NBC's philosophy seems to be a battle of competing interests. It appears to me that NBC is attempting to earn revenue for every viewer who lands on their web pages by bombarding them with too many commercials, distractions and even an obnoxious survey when one leaves the site, when all the viewer wants to do is watch a specific promo.

Every space on the web page has to be ALLOCATED a SPECIFIC AMOUNT OF DATA CAPACITY. Web pages should not load in a high resolution promo ad off to the side in a tiny box and expect the actual program content of the page to load in an effective, efficient, AND FAST manner.

NBC actually put up a "buffer warning" when one goes to a page of theirs as a way to excuse their shoddy promo playback capacity. At the time I wrote this, even with the buffer warning, the beginning of the 2010 Saturday Night Live Betty White Promo has severe image skipping issues. After a couple of seconds the image does settle down.

It just frustrates me to see such a huge company like NBC take months upon months to figure out what they are doing wrong. I already contacted the local KNBC in Los Angeles back in January about a local web playback issue. KNBC forwarded my call to their tech department, and the person who did agree with my analysis of why their page was taking so long to load and not playing back everything on the page correctly explained that they only do fixes at the beginning of each month.


One shouldn't judge the effectiveness of a web page by using the latest, fastest computer. One needs to actually use a computer that is at least two years old to get a more realistic idea of what the computer audience is seeing when they load onto a site, and then not take up until a month to FIX THE PROBLEM.

At NBC, they should consider hiring additional IT help to scale down the amount of data ALL of the components on their web pages require. Which brings us to NBC's support of "Green issues".
If NBC is saving a few bucks and not hiring enough IT people to properly scale down their web pages then NBC is actually wasting huge amounts of bandwidth unnecessarily. NBC's web pages, in my opinion, are not green optimized if they don't take the time to efficiently scale down how much bandwidth is needed to run their web pages properly.
Every High Resolution photo, movie clip, photo montage, or promo that is not properly scaled down and jpeg'd WASTES BANDWIDTH, AND THEREFORE, WASTES ENERGY. Can somebody explain this to NBC, please?

Here is another Betty White Promo, very funny. Academy Awards, anybody?

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at


Pill Pockets are probably extending the life of the cute Shih tzu that roams the house. Well, she doesn't roam that much anymore as she is over 14 years old. I actually received her as partial payment on a video editing job back in 1996.

I wish back then the internet had been less in its infancy as it would have made it easier to research what shit tzu's need for maximum health. For Instance, I did not know about the reduced tear output that some shih tzu's experience later in life. Yes libraries existed back then but she had a vet and the vet never really said anything.

Now she is over 14 years old, doesn't see very well, can't hear, and has an enlarged heart. I have recently heard her let out a blood curdling yelp as she was about to pass on, on four different occasions, twice in one night. She was able to be revived with tender loving care. I had been concerned that the lasik she was on was making her skin turn red so I was trying to figure the perfect dosage that would help her but minimize the reaction.

Unbeknownst to me, when their hearts enlarge and they go into what is known as congestive heart failure the fluid build up near their lungs and drop these furry friends pretty quickly. I twice had her in my arms in the middle of the night holding her and trying to soothe her over as she came back from the brink of death.

The howl she let out twice that same night let me know something was wrong, the urine and feces I found in her bed let me know that she was ever so close to succumbing. That was a week ago and now I follow the lasik regimen very closely, 1/2 pill twice a day. (this is based on her size and weight, your elderly dog's dosage may be different). I also give her Enalapril once a day as well, all per the vet's instructions.
Giving her three pill medications a day would be IMPOSSIBLE if not for PILL POCKETS. She LOVES PILL POCKETS, and would probably eat half a bag of the beef pill pockets if I offered them to her.
I had almost run out of Pill Pockets when I went to the Pet Store to buy some more, however, I found myself confused by the following packaging.
Click on image to Enlarge.

As you can see from the picture above, the duck version has the very dark image on the package, and the beef version has the lighter image on the package, and that is backwards!

The LABELING is correct on the Pill Pocket packages, but the PICTURES are incorrect. I kept reading Duck on the package, would avoid it, and then would see the darker image below, and think it was the beef. I would then read that it was Duck, put it back, and look for the word beef, find it, but then see that the image was much too light to be a beef Pill Pocket, and I would put it back, confused in a feedback loop caused by the wrong pictures on the wrong packages.

I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that the images on the Pill Pockets as of May 01, 2010 in the Pet Smart that I went into in Woodland Hills CA was WRONG. Eventually someone from the store helped me, buy the wrong one! I bought based on the image because I knew the beef version was the darker image, and so I inadvertently bought the duck pill pockets.

The first time I fed the Duck Pill Pocket to the dog I got lucky, she grudgingly took it. She actually threw up an hour or two later, not a lot, but enough to make me wonder if the pill had an affect. I was not sure if she threw up because of the Pill Pocket or not.

The next morning, she absolutely would not eat the duck version of the Pill Pocket, even when I mixed it with food she normally eats. Since she requires her Lasik every 12 hours, I suddenly had no spare time to go to the store and exchange the duck pill pocket for the beef pill pocket.

What if I did not live relatively close to a store that had Pill Pockets? What if for me it had been a 20 mile drive in a rural setting? What if somebody else did what I had done and gone by the picture on the package as their guide and had bought the wrong pill pocket as a result? If the person lived far enough away from the pet store, they would probably have to bring the dog with them and feed their dog the medication as soon as they made the exchange.

Because the dog loves the beef pill pockets so much, one might be inclined to not think keeping the receipt is that important since the dog is doing to eat each and every one of them. Ha! What a mistake that would have been. The packaging image maybe wrong but the store won't exchange the product without a receipt, meanwhile there is a dog who could die if I dilly dally too much, from something that wasn't really my mistake.

For now, the shih tzu lives. It's a day by day thing, and she still has her cute moments where sits up and looks all regal, and she still has her appetite, and she absolutely loves her beef pill pockets, with or without pills, it does not matter to her, but it sure does matter to me.

I mentioned to Pet Smart what had happened, and was told the manager would tell their buyer and so on, however, shouldn't any corporation that takes an interest in who is talking about their product see my article in just as a quick of a fashion and react accordingly?

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...
info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baskin and Robbins Commercial, Zany, Funny, and a hit on youtube.

Although some people can't stand the Baskin and Robbin's Ice Cream and Cake Commercial, it appears by the thumbs up votes to be a hit on YouTube. If you hate the zany Ice Cream and Cake song, you are in the minority by a 10-1 margin.
Click on image above to see it clearer.

And yes, if you hear the commercial too many times, the song will stay in your head and it won't melt away the way their ice cream cakes do in you mouth.

I have a crazy theory about this Baskin Robbins song. When the TV Show Friends was in its hey day fifteen years ago, the show's song, I'll be there for you, became a number one hit.

I bet if Baskin Robbins actually was able to show the making of the Ice Cream and Cake song, the kids would eat it up.

(Edit update - July 2, 2010 The New Baskin Robbins commercial that does not have the song from above falls way short as a result. Click here to see that AlexLOGIC review)

If you are planning on creating or broadcasting a commercial and want an objective, outsiders point of view about your commercial, contact Alessandro Machi about his consulting services at...

info at alexlogic.com
You can also view more
commercial critiques
by Alessandro Machi at

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